With fuel prices through the roof there is a need to find a solution to the large investment needs to be done to move in vehicles daily. A solution came from China to revolutionize the Chilean market about a month ago and were the delight of reports for better or for worse.
It's "C-ro", the first city car segment vehicle (car to the city) that runs completely on electricity, a nice car, but not very "strong" but fulfilling basic needs, the other, more advertising and more ugly (and you have to see how the fall in electrical ugliness) almost like a golf cart, the Reva, the English Endesa.
As always there is that not even imagine that is the world's first electric car, maybe if the first one sold in Latin America, but electric cars have a long history of discrimination, are often not taken seriously by very good your way, and you have to admit that the desire to decontaminate not sufficient for a definite shift to electric cars, these days, beyond that, which seems to prevail is to save money fuel. Now, with this "stakeholder" petrolio alternative to, as one might come to believe that the thing is going to be serious, thanking unfortunately more to the economy that ecological spirit.
Many prototypes of electric cars are around the world, all wonderful, but strangely more "defects" are those who come to the market, often fail in their attempt massively to the spice. The prototypes are kept hoping I do not know (actually not so hard to say) while the cars always clean and increasingly expensive now continue to fill the display cases are like fireworks as was the news last month in Chile, today almost no one speaks, let alone heard some help to engage the market or to buy or to invest, perhaps a good way to take this seriously than shares as the different countries such as Portugal and Israel with Nissan, Latin America has nothing to lose nor any power to defend so it is something like only fault of the incompetence of you know who. Where if there is interest and Industries, and many secrets mafia is in the U.S., it says "Who Killed the Electric Car" documentary that counts as the early 90's, the development of electric vehicles in the U.S. was surprising, especially in California. However, this promising alternative route to the oil stopped abruptly. In 1996 General Motors produced the EV1, the first electric car with high prestaciones.6 years later GM decides to make it disappear from the market despite the high demand. Why will it end?