Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Joycam 95 Film Fuji Equivalent
• Tuning the guitar.
• Positions of both hands for the proper execution
• Parts of the guitar. Controls and switches. How to use them to get the desired sounds.
• Location of the notes on the fretboard
• Basic Chord Positions. Major and minor chords in first position and barre. 5th chords. Triads.
• minor pentatonic. First position. Exercises and phrases in style. Application on the basis of a chord progression on a static or simple.
• fingering exercises. Independence of fingers. Economy of motion to optimize the touch.
• Using the metronome to develop good tempo, in addition to speed and precision in execution.
• Basic techniques of spike; fingers pua + fingers. Alternate picking exercises and basic legato. Slide and bending. Vibrato. Palm muting. Natural harmonics.
• Theoretical Introduction. Location of the notes on the staff. American encryption. Major Scale Structure. Harmonization level greater than 3 voices. Resulting triads. Intervals. Structure triads major, minor and diminished. Key. Basic progressions. Transpose to different keys. Circle of fifths. Intervals.
• rhythmic figures. Introduction to rhythmic reading. Black, eighth round, sixteenth. Combinations. Application for improvisation. Type of beat. • Bases
simple rock and blues. Improvisation on them with the 1st position pentatonic.
• Improvisation with notes of the chord. Arpeggios. • First position
scale. Transportation to all keys.
• Reading: lessons from the book "Modern Guitar Method" Berklee. • Improvisations on bases
play-along, designed to suit the student.
• Songs, alone and / or phrases aimed at the student's particular taste. INTERMEDIATE
• 5 minor pentatonic positions. Location of the tonic in each position. Application. Exercises. Phrases characteristics of each position. Connection between positions.
• Blues Scale. Similarity with the pentatonic positions.
• Harmonization of the major scale to 4 voices. Resulting chord structure. Maj7, m7, 7 and m7b5. Progressions. Harmonic functions of each chord. Positions of each chord in different sets of strings. Investments. Voice leading.
• major pentatonic. Relationship with the minor pentatonic. 5 positions. Phrases. Using both major and minor pentatonic over a major chord or dominant.
• arpeggios 7th.
• Scale modes. Definition. How to play all modes with a single position of the major scale. Construction of modal progressions to improvise. Relationship between the modes and degrees of tonality.
• rhythmic figures. Puntillo. Syncope. Quintuplet. Applications for improvisation. Rhythmic displacement.
• 7 positions of the major scale. Applications. Exercises. Arpeggios into position. Intervals within the position.
• Improvisation on a progression that has 2 minor chords to a 3rd child away. Position playing. Pentatonic and Dorian mode and less. Minor triad and arpeggio of the 7th child.
• Technical exercises with the positions of the major scale. Phrases, patterns.
• artificial harmonics. Harp harmonics.
• Chroma and passing notes. Application improvisation. Times and weaknesses of a compass. • Improvisations on bases
play-along, like the student-oriented
• Songs, alone and / or phrases aimed at the student's particular taste
• Harmonic Minor Scale. 4-voice harmonization. Theoretical explanation for the origin of this scale. Resulting chords. Their structure. Scale modes. Implementation and relationship to the chords resulting from the scale. Structure of the minor chord with the 7th largest, Maj7 # 5 and decreased the 7th diminished. Applications.
• Melodic Minor Scale. 4-voice harmonization. Theoretical explanation for the origin of this scale. Resulting chords. Their structure. Scale modes. Implementation and relationship to the chords resulting from the scale.
• Extension of tonality. Dominant side. Diminished chords step. Modal interchange. Modulation. Reharmonization. Tritonal replacement.
• On the technical side: developing speed and accuracy. Patterns. Applying a pattern to any position on a larger scale, lower scale or another.
• Size of the left hand for unusual chord positions, pentatonic positions 3 note per string.
• phrasing and improvisation, rhythmic and melodic motifs for the development of phrasing. Improvisation on II VI
• Advanced concepts of phrasing and improvisation and playing out-side, targeting, Cromatic aproach.
• Advanced Techniques. Alternate picking, legato, string skipping, sweep picking, hybrid picking, Economy picking, tapping, tapping with 8 fingers. Phrases, patterns
• Voltages available for each type of chord. Difference between dominant and altered dominant. Altered scale. Whole tone scale. Symmetric diminished scale. • Improvisations on bases
play-along, like the student-oriented
• Songs, alone and / or phrases aimed at the student's particular taste
• Applications depth of the major scale modes, harmonic and melodic. Using arpeggios in improvisation. Altered scale over dominant chords.
• Voicings. Investments. Unusual voicings. Harmonic and scalar replacement.
• Rhythms own style. Accentuation of the time 2 and 4 of the bar. Swing. Rhythmic movements.
• Applications of whole-tone scale (whole-tone) and symmetrically decreased.
• Comping. Walking bass lines. Combination of walking bass and camping.
• Armonia quarters.
• Outside playing.
phrases • Study of the icons of jazz. Applications. Standards
• Improvisation on style, increasing the difficulty depending on the student's level. Bases play-along (Aebersold) recorded by real musicians for students to apply knowledge. ROCK AND HEAVY
• Study of riffs and rock bands bases. Artificial harmonics. Bends of more than one tone amplitude. Types of vibrato.
• Research and technical solos of guitarists like joe satriani, steve vai, artists and students to choose.
• Extensive use of the minor pentatonic scale. Pentatonic Position 3 note per string
• Use the major scale. Phrygian mode, harmonic minor scale.
• Triads and sweep picking.
• Metrics irregular. Dream theater-style riff, rush. Progressive rock.
• chord in fifths, the same investment. Passing diminished chord. Investment triads in the bass strings. Chords of the 9th added. • Improvisations on bases
play - along the style. FUNK
• Spike alternately. Palm muting. Division sixteenth black. Accentuation of every sixteenth time separately. Patterns with single notes and chords of the 7th.
• Use the slide to close chromatic chord or note.
• Rate of swing. Syncope.
• Chords and voicings of the genre.
• Study of bases and own style riffs. • Improvisations on bases
play - along the style. BLUES
• Sentences with the major and minor pentatonic scales and the blues scale.
• Study of solos, phrases and topics of style icons, like hendrix, vaughan, clapton, bb king, etc. • Improvisations on bases
play - along the style. BOSSA NOVA
• Chords and sides of the genre. Rhythms
• Voicings. Investments. Unusual voicings. Harmonic and scalar replacement
studies programs are presented here for reference.
Classes are based on student concerns. Some students aim to develop a very advanced technique, some jazz and improvisation, as many of the harmony, etc.
If the student wants to focus only on one aspect of the instrument, the content of the classes will be focused on this topic.
• Tuning the guitar.
• Positions of both hands for the proper execution
• Parts of the guitar. Controls and switches. How to use them to get the desired sounds.
• Location of the notes on the fretboard
• Basic Chord Positions. Major and minor chords in first position and barre. 5th chords. Triads.
• minor pentatonic. First position. Exercises and phrases in style. Application on the basis of a chord progression on a static or simple.
• fingering exercises. Independence of fingers. Economy of motion to optimize the touch.
• Using the metronome to develop good tempo, in addition to speed and precision in execution.
• Basic techniques of spike; fingers pua + fingers. Alternate picking exercises and basic legato. Slide and bending. Vibrato. Palm muting. Natural harmonics.
• Theoretical Introduction. Location of the notes on the staff. American encryption. Major Scale Structure. Harmonization level greater than 3 voices. Resulting triads. Intervals. Structure triads major, minor and diminished. Key. Basic progressions. Transpose to different keys. Circle of fifths. Intervals.
• rhythmic figures. Introduction to rhythmic reading. Black, eighth round, sixteenth. Combinations. Application for improvisation. Type of beat. • Bases
simple rock and blues. Improvisation on them with the 1st position pentatonic.
• Improvisation with notes of the chord. Arpeggios. • First position
scale. Transportation to all keys.
• Reading: lessons from the book "Modern Guitar Method" Berklee. • Improvisations on bases
play-along, designed to suit the student.
• Songs, alone and / or phrases aimed at the student's particular taste. INTERMEDIATE
• 5 minor pentatonic positions. Location of the tonic in each position. Application. Exercises. Phrases characteristics of each position. Connection between positions.
• Blues Scale. Similarity with the pentatonic positions.
• Harmonization of the major scale to 4 voices. Resulting chord structure. Maj7, m7, 7 and m7b5. Progressions. Harmonic functions of each chord. Positions of each chord in different sets of strings. Investments. Voice leading.
• major pentatonic. Relationship with the minor pentatonic. 5 positions. Phrases. Using both major and minor pentatonic over a major chord or dominant.
• arpeggios 7th.
• Scale modes. Definition. How to play all modes with a single position of the major scale. Construction of modal progressions to improvise. Relationship between the modes and degrees of tonality.
• rhythmic figures. Puntillo. Syncope. Quintuplet. Applications for improvisation. Rhythmic displacement.
• 7 positions of the major scale. Applications. Exercises. Arpeggios into position. Intervals within the position.
• Improvisation on a progression that has 2 minor chords to a 3rd child away. Position playing. Pentatonic and Dorian mode and less. Minor triad and arpeggio of the 7th child.
• Technical exercises with the positions of the major scale. Phrases, patterns.
• artificial harmonics. Harp harmonics.
• Chroma and passing notes. Application improvisation. Times and weaknesses of a compass. • Improvisations on bases
play-along, like the student-oriented
• Songs, alone and / or phrases aimed at the student's particular taste
• Harmonic Minor Scale. 4-voice harmonization. Theoretical explanation for the origin of this scale. Resulting chords. Their structure. Scale modes. Implementation and relationship to the chords resulting from the scale. Structure of the minor chord with the 7th largest, Maj7 # 5 and decreased the 7th diminished. Applications.
• Melodic Minor Scale. 4-voice harmonization. Theoretical explanation for the origin of this scale. Resulting chords. Their structure. Scale modes. Implementation and relationship to the chords resulting from the scale.
• Extension of tonality. Dominant side. Diminished chords step. Modal interchange. Modulation. Reharmonization. Tritonal replacement.
• On the technical side: developing speed and accuracy. Patterns. Applying a pattern to any position on a larger scale, lower scale or another.
• Size of the left hand for unusual chord positions, pentatonic positions 3 note per string.
• phrasing and improvisation, rhythmic and melodic motifs for the development of phrasing. Improvisation on II VI
• Advanced concepts of phrasing and improvisation and playing out-side, targeting, Cromatic aproach.
• Advanced Techniques. Alternate picking, legato, string skipping, sweep picking, hybrid picking, Economy picking, tapping, tapping with 8 fingers. Phrases, patterns
• Voltages available for each type of chord. Difference between dominant and altered dominant. Altered scale. Whole tone scale. Symmetric diminished scale. • Improvisations on bases
play-along, like the student-oriented
• Songs, alone and / or phrases aimed at the student's particular taste
• Applications depth of the major scale modes, harmonic and melodic. Using arpeggios in improvisation. Altered scale over dominant chords.
• Voicings. Investments. Unusual voicings. Harmonic and scalar replacement.
• Rhythms own style. Accentuation of the time 2 and 4 of the bar. Swing. Rhythmic movements.
• Applications of whole-tone scale (whole-tone) and symmetrically decreased.
• Comping. Walking bass lines. Combination of walking bass and camping.
• Armonia quarters.
• Outside playing.
phrases • Study of the icons of jazz. Applications. Standards
• Improvisation on style, increasing the difficulty depending on the student's level. Bases play-along (Aebersold) recorded by real musicians for students to apply knowledge. ROCK AND HEAVY
• Study of riffs and rock bands bases. Artificial harmonics. Bends of more than one tone amplitude. Types of vibrato.
• Research and technical solos of guitarists like joe satriani, steve vai, artists and students to choose.
• Extensive use of the minor pentatonic scale. Pentatonic Position 3 note per string
• Use the major scale. Phrygian mode, harmonic minor scale.
• Triads and sweep picking.
• Metrics irregular. Dream theater-style riff, rush. Progressive rock.
• chord in fifths, the same investment. Passing diminished chord. Investment triads in the bass strings. Chords of the 9th added. • Improvisations on bases
play - along the style. FUNK
• Spike alternately. Palm muting. Division sixteenth black. Accentuation of every sixteenth time separately. Patterns with single notes and chords of the 7th.
• Use the slide to close chromatic chord or note.
• Rate of swing. Syncope.
• Chords and voicings of the genre.
• Study of bases and own style riffs. • Improvisations on bases
play - along the style. BLUES
• Sentences with the major and minor pentatonic scales and the blues scale.
• Study of solos, phrases and topics of style icons, like hendrix, vaughan, clapton, bb king, etc. • Improvisations on bases
play - along the style. BOSSA NOVA
• Chords and sides of the genre. Rhythms
• Voicings. Investments. Unusual voicings. Harmonic and scalar replacement
studies programs are presented here for reference.
Classes are based on student concerns. Some students aim to develop a very advanced technique, some jazz and improvisation, as many of the harmony, etc.
If the student wants to focus only on one aspect of the instrument, the content of the classes will be focused on this topic.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
What Does A Raw Diamond Look Like
all by Pauline
Payments Network
No. 20996
Already thank you very much.

This is the story of Paulina Rodríguez Bozzolasco.
all started one February 7, 2007 at the Medical Association of San José, born Pauline, a beautiful baby of 3340g. We found a big surprise, something not detected during pregnancy, a pediatrician "has a congenital imperforate anus." Immediately place it in the CANSANI, special care. There we are, then the stem where it enters the impassive children.The CTI Day 8 was operated by the Pediatric Surgeon Dr. Luis Benedictti who underwent a colostomy to continues. This continuing medical the February 2008 treatment. reconstruction will perform anal in the Uruguayan Medical by your doctor (Benedictti). Until then everything was going well, as expected. As of April began to have fever, pediatricians Medical Association, was diagnosed with urinary tract infection because of the operation. After a while and decide not to cut the infection urine examination, When I try to insert the probe into the urethra can not, then the surgeon again derived from it (Benedictti). BPSDemequi attended at the Pediatric Surgery Department. The doctor made an examination under general anesthesia, where it was impossible to introduce the probe into the urethra, from there further studies. We of new information: Probably for the healing of the operation is shut the urethra and vagina. Decides to refer you to a urologist (now) Dr. Gerardo Izquierdo. From that we prepare for a new intervention "Sewage Reconstruction." On October 28, 2008 comes the long awaited intervention it out without success. Dr. Izquierdo He reports that with the healing of the fistula was formed a fleshy, contracted and pulled urethra and vagina. To explain the urologist told us: "I saw it as if you took mass of three colors and the batch and that is attached to the rectum, could not see the vagina and a catheter was inserted through the bladder out through the anus. (She urine from the anus) left with a vesicostomy intervention, he said he had to abandon the operation did not have the proper equipment and proper technique.
From there all cambió.El Urologist tells us that the ideal technique is that of Professor Alberto Peña Pediatric Surgeon is Mexican. In our country there is a case for what they reveal as not having enough experience. We decided not to cross your arms, said Paulina Everything, then look on the internet where I finally found it. We send you an email telling this story and asking their opinion that incredibly ayuda.El We replied, asking a series of studies and operative records to send them ... Doctors immediately ordered the studies that Dr. Peña solicitó.Cuando had sent all the tests the applicant's doctor based in Ohio USA. By company DHL.Los received on January 29, 2009 and called us by telephone to give the report of such studies to the family. There we stands ready to operate. Informs us that operate in the U.S. has a considerable cost, for example, told us 4 days of hospitalization and operation approximately U $ S 60000. To this we must add the tickets and accommodation, would also have to travel first to the back because comes from a post-operative. In conclusion we would need about U.S. $ 100,000. Immediately gives us a second option: he would come to Uruguay at the invitation of the institution that attend, the conference would operate and so necessary for our physicians. That way the cost would be only 2 roundtrip tickets on American Airlines at first without restrictions and stay for two days for two people, and traveling with his wife who is a pediatric surgeon and his team.
The cost would be approximately U $ S 30,000. Step
still call the physician Dr. Luis Benedictti who communicated with Dr. Peña. chordates try to send the invitation and all you need to come as soon as possible. BPS in the voice of Dr. Luis Benedictti and his team supported us all we need. The invitation is responsible for much needed, the surgical block, medical equipment and necessary pre-operative studies as well as postoperatively. We also have the unconditional support of pediatricians in the San Jose Medical Association: Dr. Jose Parodi and Dr. Ana Maria Piñeyrúa
That's why we raise this money.
Paulina's family, she has managed to be a happy child, but in recent times the girl is discovering her body and thus prove that is not equal to their brothers. The psychologist told us it was normal, but after this last operation is increasingly falling and his character has cambiado.Nuestra family is working, and our purchasing power is not high, Pauline attends social.Sabemos assured that no one in the world who knows more than the Professor Doctor Alberto Peña of this disease, as it is who created the technique to solve it.
all started one February 7, 2007 at the Medical Association of San José, born Pauline, a beautiful baby of 3340g. We found a big surprise, something not detected during pregnancy, a pediatrician "has a congenital imperforate anus." Immediately place it in the CANSANI, special care. There we are, then the stem where it enters the impassive children.The CTI Day 8 was operated by the Pediatric Surgeon Dr. Luis Benedictti who underwent a colostomy to continues. This continuing medical the February 2008 treatment. reconstruction will perform anal in the Uruguayan Medical by your doctor (Benedictti). Until then everything was going well, as expected. As of April began to have fever, pediatricians Medical Association, was diagnosed with urinary tract infection because of the operation. After a while and decide not to cut the infection urine examination, When I try to insert the probe into the urethra can not, then the surgeon again derived from it (Benedictti). BPSDemequi attended at the Pediatric Surgery Department. The doctor made an examination under general anesthesia, where it was impossible to introduce the probe into the urethra, from there further studies. We of new information: Probably for the healing of the operation is shut the urethra and vagina. Decides to refer you to a urologist (now) Dr. Gerardo Izquierdo. From that we prepare for a new intervention "Sewage Reconstruction." On October 28, 2008 comes the long awaited intervention it out without success. Dr. Izquierdo He reports that with the healing of the fistula was formed a fleshy, contracted and pulled urethra and vagina. To explain the urologist told us: "I saw it as if you took mass of three colors and the batch and that is attached to the rectum, could not see the vagina and a catheter was inserted through the bladder out through the anus. (She urine from the anus) left with a vesicostomy intervention, he said he had to abandon the operation did not have the proper equipment and proper technique.
From there all cambió.El Urologist tells us that the ideal technique is that of Professor Alberto Peña Pediatric Surgeon is Mexican. In our country there is a case for what they reveal as not having enough experience. We decided not to cross your arms, said Paulina Everything, then look on the internet where I finally found it. We send you an email telling this story and asking their opinion that incredibly ayuda.El We replied, asking a series of studies and operative records to send them ... Doctors immediately ordered the studies that Dr. Peña solicitó.Cuando had sent all the tests the applicant's doctor based in Ohio USA. By company DHL.Los received on January 29, 2009 and called us by telephone to give the report of such studies to the family. There we stands ready to operate. Informs us that operate in the U.S. has a considerable cost, for example, told us 4 days of hospitalization and operation approximately U $ S 60000. To this we must add the tickets and accommodation, would also have to travel first to the back because comes from a post-operative. In conclusion we would need about U.S. $ 100,000. Immediately gives us a second option: he would come to Uruguay at the invitation of the institution that attend, the conference would operate and so necessary for our physicians. That way the cost would be only 2 roundtrip tickets on American Airlines at first without restrictions and stay for two days for two people, and traveling with his wife who is a pediatric surgeon and his team.
The cost would be approximately U $ S 30,000. Step
still call the physician Dr. Luis Benedictti who communicated with Dr. Peña. chordates try to send the invitation and all you need to come as soon as possible. BPS in the voice of Dr. Luis Benedictti and his team supported us all we need. The invitation is responsible for much needed, the surgical block, medical equipment and necessary pre-operative studies as well as postoperatively. We also have the unconditional support of pediatricians in the San Jose Medical Association: Dr. Jose Parodi and Dr. Ana Maria Piñeyrúa
That's why we raise this money.
Paulina's family, she has managed to be a happy child, but in recent times the girl is discovering her body and thus prove that is not equal to their brothers. The psychologist told us it was normal, but after this last operation is increasingly falling and his character has cambiado.Nuestra family is working, and our purchasing power is not high, Pauline attends social.Sabemos assured that no one in the world who knows more than the Professor Doctor Alberto Peña of this disease, as it is who created the technique to solve it.
Account No. 10 776 (in pesos and dollars).
Account No. 022-008604-5 (in pesos)
Credit No. 9009270
Payments Network
No. 20996
Already thank you very much.
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