WALK FOR THE WEB AND MAKE SOME AÑITOS, I CAME TO SAN CHAMELEON ... Another of those bands from the nearby shore WORTH LISTENING ...
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Sancamaleon founded in 2000 as a musical idea of \u200b\u200bgreat diversity, with the first songs and sketches by Diego Perez Federico Cabral. That same year, Zeta Bosio includes a song from his first demo ("Float") on the compilation Gen 00. Patricio Perez joins as tecladista.De independently released his first EP Sancamaleon home at the end of 2001 (produced by Hernan Bruckner, a friend of the band and guitarist Tree) with the video of "The Way", which generated much controversy. After some training changes take hold in the band and Roman Moauro Nicholas Montanaro. They were times of great unrest in the country and that was seen in the music and the scene. In 2002 they release a live recorded work by artisans called "Revenge of the Pachamama", produced by Roman Montanaro. In 2003 the band performed many shows, begins to travel the country and is invited to La Vela Puerca telonear in Cement. At the end of that year Sanca performed their first show itself in the same apparatus.Bubble late 2004 released "Song for children without faith", the first official album of the band, accompanied by video of "The Kick." The album is produced and presented by Hernan Bruckner in a back room packed. Current Training
: Federico Cabral: Vocals, guitarraDiego Fares: Guitar, corosNicolas Moauro: BateriaRoman Montanaro: PercusionJuany de Abreu: bajoTambien passed through the band and brought their music: Patricio Perez, Diego Fernandez, Diego Ponzone, Edgardo Petliuk, Horacio Vazquez, Bernardo Ucha, Chofi, Igor.
: Federico Cabral: Vocals, guitarraDiego Fares: Guitar, corosNicolas Moauro: BateriaRoman Montanaro: PercusionJuany de Abreu: bajoTambien passed through the band and brought their music: Patricio Perez, Diego Fernandez, Diego Ponzone, Edgardo Petliuk, Horacio Vazquez, Bernardo Ucha, Chofi, Igor.
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