Wednesday, November 17, 2010

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Controversial as few scientific discoveries of the late twentieth century, the secret of Plastination developed by Gunther Von Hagens is kept under lock and key by its creator. Also in science there are superstars, and Dr. Death will not release lien on this technique has allowed to get plastin from squid elephant ... winning a good paste in the process. There is nothing wrong, unless your policy blocks the enormous possibilities that the invention provides for research and teaching. But there's always a hole for stitching. In the context of the recent shows Empirika 2010 held in Salamanca, we have discovered that the Science City of Granada and a group of researchers is experimenting with its own version of the process, achieving excellent results. By reducing the scheme is to replace body water with polymers, so that from a dead tissue or get a plastic version of the plastinated of great durability. After immersing the body or agency in formalin to prevent putrefaction, is passed to a bath of solvent such as acetone. It penetrates into tissue, replacing water and fat. In the second main phase, the part is passed to a bath of polymeric substance such as silicone, and is introduced into a vacuum chamber. The vacuum to extract the solvent, the polymer which will take place. And you have a fascinating object plastinated with which you can get cuts and sections simply spectacular natural films with which it is possible to study real bodies from the inside. A material of great potential, a technique in which kidnapped and try to be pioneers.
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