Thursday, November 18, 2010

Whate Means Full Board/

I tried to avoid it, but no way: Art Spiegelman talk about his work without mentioning Pulitzer-winning Maus is like referring to Tolkien's Lord of obviating the Rings. Impossible. For defined his career, but also because it remains the only job site of the author. Or it was until Mondadori has decided to recover

Breakdowns: Portrait of the Artist As a Young %@&*! , a collection originally published in 1978 which brings together much of his early works, published in various underground magazines during the seventies. Cutting all very experimental, which is evident Speigelman commitment to the advancement of comics, overlays, assembly of vignettes, nonlinear narrative, loops, audiovisual language resources, stories in which the reader chooses the evolution of plot ... their research sprayed barriers format, design, narrative. Making Crumb comic psychoanalytic approach, using his own life story as a raw material from which to draw inspiration on which to perform exorcisms. And there are small personal demons: the death of his mother, whose theme reaches climax in Metro Hell

the Nazi Holocaust
Breakdowns may not wake
interest in the casual fan, but for those interested in discovering one of the great innovators of the language of comics is a fundamental piece of the puzzle.

is Spain has been edited by Reservoir Books

What sounded? ~ Basictonalvocabulary
Surgeon (Tresor, 2010)
Listen to this album


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