Monday, February 21, 2011

Birthday Clipart Numbers

Autochrome plate was the first method to obtain photographs color. Patented by the Lumiere brothers in 1907, is a process that uses the principles of additive synthesis. Replaced most previously existing techniques (tintype, cyanotype, daguerreotype ...) and ruled until the invention of the film photo.

On a normal panchromatic emulsion for white and black was deposited a layer formed by a mixture of grains of starch dyed in three primary colors: blue, green and red (usually). This acted as a filter screen during exposure, resulting in different densities in the image based on color, brightness and intensity of the captured image. After revealing and positive, the observation of white light through the filter screen produced very good color.

Although autochromes are faded compared with modern photographs, the charm vintage (as would the anglopendants) and pointillist dream of these images make them coveted trophy for antiques and freaks of viejuno. One of the most spectacular private collections is that of Florent Van Hoof, a Belgian whose website Listen to this album

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

New Shiny Gold For Gps Phone

Salvatierra. The February sky relentlessly to a sun that unmistakable voice says "I'm still small, but again" while effortlessly draws on this splendid arch dam walls topped by stone. In water, a farmer saves sticks. Pin goes by the name of, and perhaps the dog with better mood in the history of the universe. We observe four humanoids who breathe, feel, are. Son. The landscape of abandoned houses and erected without concrete walls gives them the prospect of a world without hurry or outlets, isolated vertigo and "hello, I do not get me." Doing more with less. The south is calling us through those who have traveled there before us. Come on. Follow.
Hervás. Ambroz river gets wet petticoats, its Jewish quarter is a wealth of twists and surprises, labyrinthine streets, balconies, goblin caves filled with seaweed tea and spices of the sun, round houses inhabited by migrants from the north, hospital, surrounded by children; small thresholds from which even smaller smiling ladies sell virgin olive oil and chickpeas "of which serve to sow, not those of today," a tiny dog \u200b\u200bactor delights us with a scene that would deserve an Oscar. What about us? Next to water, of course ... but if you give them enough time the (we) find a small terrace, next to the straws and skewers, always. Big and small big hugs from little people, some with crenellated teeth, all beautiful. And while we stain your teeth, anything more appropriate than a Sephardic restaurant? Delicious recipes from other times and other latitudes: Shashuka, Cake, burekas, Goulash, vegetables puff pastry, Eggplant stuffed with Quinoa, Chicken with honey ... and good wine. Where to go, do not miss.

Granadilla. A paved trail descends into a Jurassic irregular landscape of eucalyptus. At the bottom, water. There is no heaven. Or land. Only a continuum in which the shapes blend with your images. And a tower in which children see dragons. I see eternal spiral staircase which makes it longer the weight of the gentleman lying in my arms. His smile melts any signs of fatigue. Construction is strange: a main body square, half curved tower attached to each side. And at the top, under a metal roof, 360 degrees of horizon in cinemascope, no projector or chair. And that cielotierraagua without margins. Descend: from the tower to the marsh, water stone. Intuitively we where lie the other. On the shore, a rock separated from the rest. Steps away, a world. There, the water moves in multiple phases overlapping, merging, dissolving the self. The mind rest, the accessory removed consciousness, the sky gives us the best sunset. One minute, and another and another. Breathing. Being Ser. And note: the wealth has nothing to do with the kingdom of men. Looking back, close my eyes, flying ... and the sea licking my eyelids.
What sounded? Sainkho
Namtchylak ~ Naked Spirit (Amiata, 2007) Listen to this album

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Is It Safe To Have White Fluid Before Period

both in their approaches and in form, Epileptic

is enormous work originally published in installments between 1996-2003 and compiled by Sinsentido a single volume. So ambitious that, according to some, it suffers from excessive. Not for those without fear of text, for seekers of dense narratives that work on multiple levels. Dense, baroque, characterized by mesmeric dominated by black bullets and a realistic narrative, merciless with the protagonists. Bluntly, pure and simple emotion. The introspective work, almost psychoanalytic which arises reaches love and tenderness, but also the repulsion and rejection of the small epileptic, to his illness, an illness that spreads its tentacles invisible to David and Beuchard, making introspective and wandering beings, salvation beggars under the mechanics of the doctors, abuse of charlatans, the social disapproval. As imaginative and multifaceted as the mind of a child watching in wonder, awe, overwhelmed by events around him,
Epileptic is a great novel (autobiographical) plot.
Epileptic: The Great Ascension Mal has been published in Spain by Ediciones Senseless

What sounded?
~ King Tubby Dub Gone Crazy (Blood & Fire, 2005)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Knuckleduster Blueprint

is the central corpus Swatmarama Hatha Yoga, one of the top three schools derived from Raja. For asana is usually understood as "posture" and, by extension, applies to the various positions taken during the practice of Yoga. But this is only one possible translations offered by the original etymology of the word, from the Sanskrit.
If we take the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, we could understand it as "sit" or "sitting", but if we opt for a broader term would also consider "stable" or "stability." Therefore, could refer asana practice both static / seated as to achieve stability and / or balance. ~ Zuckerzeit (Brain, 1974)

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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Absorption Of Calories With Diarrhea

"I beg legally irrational to the flagrant illegality, as if it were an absurdity that melts when you point a finger. " Guy Debord (The Decline and Economy Spectacular-Trade Society, 1965)
Decline, irrationality and absurdity, signs of the times in which we live. The machine has exceeded and now eats up your muscles before finding another host in which to stay, which to feed. They know that they are coming. Neither we, nor do we seem to know what we have above. That is here, though it has not broken his bundle. When you do, see, and howling, blood ask the heads of those who have brought us this far, they represent the stage that hides the real scenario, that in moving thousands of years which have brought us here and once we get "justice" catharsis will make us forget, as always, and will close a cycle. And will open a new one, which is the same, the illusion that never fades, condemnation of man.

Stop press that button, do you stop the machine. Listen. Ve just a trick. We have instructed that no, but if our hand that moves the emperor's palanquin, you can stop it.
What sounded? Alice Cooper ~ Love It To Death (Warner, 1971)
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