Monday, February 21, 2011

Birthday Clipart Numbers

Autochrome plate was the first method to obtain photographs color. Patented by the Lumiere brothers in 1907, is a process that uses the principles of additive synthesis. Replaced most previously existing techniques (tintype, cyanotype, daguerreotype ...) and ruled until the invention of the film photo.

On a normal panchromatic emulsion for white and black was deposited a layer formed by a mixture of grains of starch dyed in three primary colors: blue, green and red (usually). This acted as a filter screen during exposure, resulting in different densities in the image based on color, brightness and intensity of the captured image. After revealing and positive, the observation of white light through the filter screen produced very good color.

Although autochromes are faded compared with modern photographs, the charm vintage (as would the anglopendants) and pointillist dream of these images make them coveted trophy for antiques and freaks of viejuno. One of the most spectacular private collections is that of Florent Van Hoof, a Belgian whose website Listen to this album


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