Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Is It Safe To Have White Fluid Before Period

both in their approaches and in form, Epileptic

is enormous work originally published in installments between 1996-2003 and compiled by Sinsentido a single volume. So ambitious that, according to some, it suffers from excessive. Not for those without fear of text, for seekers of dense narratives that work on multiple levels. Dense, baroque, characterized by mesmeric dominated by black bullets and a realistic narrative, merciless with the protagonists. Bluntly, pure and simple emotion. The introspective work, almost psychoanalytic which arises reaches love and tenderness, but also the repulsion and rejection of the small epileptic, to his illness, an illness that spreads its tentacles invisible to David and Beuchard, making introspective and wandering beings, salvation beggars under the mechanics of the doctors, abuse of charlatans, the social disapproval. As imaginative and multifaceted as the mind of a child watching in wonder, awe, overwhelmed by events around him,
Epileptic is a great novel (autobiographical) plot.
Epileptic: The Great Ascension Mal has been published in Spain by Ediciones Senseless

What sounded?
~ King Tubby Dub Gone Crazy (Blood & Fire, 2005)


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