Movies (2)
These are the brief synopsis of some movies that someone should direct someday.
By-law of Dolores:
During a family celebration in Cespón, Noia, an enfrentamieno between the natural family and family policy Maquieira Dolores, as a brother of the latter criticized blood crepes grandmothers. Already in the credits at the beginning the palm two brothers, a son, brother and aunt Basilisa.
Gender: Caldeirada Western.
Based on the novel by Muñoz Molina. A fish kill is dedicated to girls in the city of Ubeda. The procedure is to drown in swimming pools footbath and erase the traces with chlorine tablets. In the end it is shown that Zapatero had nothing to do with the killings.
Genre: Thriller chlorinated.
Lacone far:
A transvestite, a gay and a nymphomaniac who are, respectively, torero, sexador chickens and boxing coach, missing the cuisine of their homeland in Galicia, emigrated in faraway Germany . Al end it is known that the bullfighter is the son of sexador and coach, and that Zapatero had nothing to do with the creature.
Genre: Soap Gourmet
Airport? :
A politician decides to build a gigantic airport for the people of his province can walk along the tracks. His boss, the president, considered a visionary, a visionary, and no wonder, since he won the early twenty-five times. Addressed in tandem by Fabre and Camps, a film honest, fair and transparent.
Genre: Biopic of science fiction.
No banner:
A cowboy, Zach, lives far away in a seedy dump of Wyoming, accompanied by his wife, BJ, younger and Asaz peep. Zach have taken the granting of a gas station and walk bare rooms. One day, Zach gets up and sees a note: "I went to Begas, ai you a lot of work by Ayi. I'm sorry, pelouro." Zach is plunged into despair without chorba. Directed by Clit Eastwood, Clint's sister peep.
Genre: Drama without compromise.
Yes, Apocalypse now:
Earthquake brutal in Japan causes a terrible tsunami that causes thousands of deaths and also fatally damaged several nuclear plants, leading to unimaginable catastrophe. Hackneyed theme, exaggerated, improbable if not impossible, gender typical catastrophic. At the end of the film is not made clear whether it was all the fault of Zapatero or not.
Gender: Disaster-fiction intereconómica
What was the Bieito:
melodrama with love, war and fire, located in the Deep South (Tuy, Tomiño ...). Scarlet fever is an estate known as Tara, the Bieito is born with bad art and good notaries. Famous scene in which Scarlet says, against the "never go hungry!" After eating a stew regulatory and two dozen cupcakes. A reprimand for his maid, Herminia A Portujesa, by so much greed, scarlet replied: "Frankly, Herminia, I give a damn."
Genre: Southern melodrama and obese.
Vision Impossible
Jose Feliciano, Stevie Wonder and Serafin Zubiri become a team that specializes in defusing bombs, jumping up aircraft, sabotage bridges, recover stolen art, rescue hostages and give Al Qaeda 2ESO classes. Die ten minutes into the film, unable to agree whether the blind can not see or can not look (they are on the south coast from Galicia), we exploit one hundred kilos of TNT in the nose, so that the distributor will then placed another story of overcoming: Finding Nemo.
Genre: Action and inmirante shocking.