Friday, May 6, 2011

Skirt For Low Profile Spring Box

Absurd claims / decisions grotesque

Retrieve an article of Javier Marias few years ago, and back from laughing. It turns out that in some awards EEUUexisten called Stella Awards, which recognizes the most grotesque judicial decisions regarding claims. Here I write some:

a) A Texas woman received a compensation of 780 000 dollars from a furniture company for a while in a store, a boy bumped into her, and she broke her ankle. It is apparent that the child who tripped was none other than his own son.

b) In Pennsylvania, a burglar enters a home, robs, and when you the garage of the house with the loot, he gets stuck because of malfunction of the door. As the family was vacationing plundered, the thief spent a week locked in the garage, eating dog food and water. The jury, which theoretically would convict him of attempted robbery, finally make it pay compensation to $ 500 000, no less, of the anxiety that had to pass the poor man.

c) In California, a man had to pay 74 000 dollars for having struck the hand of another man. What happens is that this second man was stealing the hubcaps when the driver drove off. But that's all volcanic chump change.

d) In Arkansas, a man received a $ 15 000 from the owner of a dog that bit the ass treacherously. Iban to ask more, but it was a mitigating factor that the shooting had been bitten by the dog perdigonazos previously.

e) A Pennsylvania woman slips on a bar because there are remains of soda on the floor. It starts the coccyx. The jury awarded him 113 500 dollars ... and that it was she who had to throw the drink into the face of her boyfriend during a heated discussion.

f) A Delaware woman falls from the bathroom window of a nightclub and be part of teeth. The club had to pay 12 $ 000 ... and that the woman fell over there because he wanted to enter the bathroom to avoid having to pay the three dollars that it cost the entrance to the club.

g) Finally, Stella Award that year was for a driver from Oklahoma who bought a motorhome. Hit the road in his new car, and at one point left the wheel and went back to get a coffee. Obviously, it left the highway, and total loss. The company that had sold the van had to cough up 1.75 million dollars and a new car because apparently they had not specified the buyer that the car was not driving alone.

Marys also comments that there was a woman who put the puppy in the microwave (maybe he was cold, poor thing), with expected consequences. Sued the company for not having specified that use of the machine was discouraged. I think he took something to the company.

Ah, America, America ... a huge garden, this is America, said Nino Bravo. A garden of shysters freaks, I might add.

(Dedicated to my partner Maite, now visit the blog)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Linsey Dawn On A Airplane


Ernesto Sabato died, at age 99, and I felt bad, really, because my life is intimately connected with it, especially my literary life. I'll explain.
While I was in Lawrence, Kansas, attended classes of American Literature. Read On Heroes and Tombs Sabato, and reading and work I had to do on this novel, I plunged into a world of interesting parallel readings, such as The Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell , among many other, usually related to the theory literature. The work I did for the teacher dealt Fernando Souza, the most dark and disturbing novel, which attributed the role of absolute hero, a hero corrupt, cruel and incestuous, but hero after all. The work was a considerable success, so much so that soon began to suggest from the English department if I wanted to stay in college longer than contracted. The work got to pass to consider myself a poor little boy with two neurons to someone highly profitable. It was a great personal success for me. And years later, in Spain, rephrased and published in a journal of Ferrol, Concepción Arenal. Science and Humanities. So when I learned of the death of Ernesto Sabato, author of Tunnel, and meaning in encausación of heinous crimes of the military leaders of Argentina, I could only remember his fascinating blind Report of On Heroes and Tumas. A section of a book that changed my perception of myself, and gave me wings to believe that I could create something, even through literary criticism.

Breastfeeding Your Spouse

Elvis Perkins ... and Osama

There is a tremendous proliferation of singers under the label of indie folk : is The Tallest Man on Earth, which my friends told me liberally unknown blog, is Peter Broderick, is Bart Davenport, and is also Elvis Perkins, whom I met at the insistence of my friend (and family policy) Mary Blackriver (also known as Rio Negro). I think it's worth hearing this song by Elvis Perkins, While you were sleeping (2007), direct from the David Letterman show:

In another vein The news of the day, and may the year, to the point that has overshadowed the insufferable series of "classic" football is the Osama Bin Laden killed in a shootout. First, a question that is haunting me since I heard his name first: Why the hell it was called "Bin" when all you
Arabs had always been "Ben"? Apart from this, the story is universal, and not surprise me that some embassies began to blow through the lovely friends of the deceased. However, staunch supporters of the late terrorist megalomaniac can always turn to one resource state that is a lie, he is not dead, they are lies of the CIA, and so forth. So is evergreen, and many believe he will win battles and unlikely that the day I die will reside next to Muhammad. An action always used, especially when it comes to the worst crop of people who can give the human race.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Left Upper Quadrant Painburning After Eating

Billy Bragg and his New England

The UK's most famous song Billy Bragg, also called "The Red Bard" ("The Red Bard") for his militant communist, is a topic of their first LP (minielepé, really) Life is a riot with spy vs. spy. And the song, naked as a little (just voice and guitar) almost a generational anthem, is A New England . The chorus is one that comes and stays forever ("I do not want to change the world, I'm not looking for a New England: just looking for Another Girl "), as one of the verses, the author says he saw two shooting stars last night, and have expressed wish for each one, but realized that they were not really stars, but satellites, and just wondering if it's worth wishes to launch space hardware. Ironically, as is often shown Bragg, at its best, with that accent cerradísimo London ruling makes "space" ("space") as "spice" ("spice"), or "why" and "way" the same way. And this version of Bragg's best that when he gets really militant , then e sinfumable, I swear, workers hymns somewhat soporific. Perhaps the startling nudity Billy comes from your main musical sources: Woody Guthrie and punk, I guess.
Well, a new English version of Billy Bragg, 1983, not unlike the England of today, also post-royal wedding, also in economic crisis and the Tory in power.

Wedding Cakes By Kroger

Ana Pastor Viva!

This woman has me intrigued. Some time ago and although I loved to see it infrequently, I still love how to interview public figures who pass through breakfast. Because regardless of political ideas, Ana Pastor is always going to put your finger on it, and never accept an evasive answer, something as used in the English political class. A woman is incisive, intelligent, educated, informed and even beautiful, one of those beauties Levant could be English, Italian or Turkish, and has put in tension to various English political leaders (I especially remember how tense it was Pepe Blanco with those uncomfortable questions commonly posed to anyone who passes through the set, and it seemed simplistic compared to her namesake Leire Pajin and Ana Pastor, the PP). And moreover, it has become a global media and journalist famous interview with Iranian President Ahmadinejad with it so that intensity, that does not give budge, not wanting that eludes him, the veil to be falling and know what he was thinking that the Iranian cenutrio.
It turns out that is the program Cospedal señoritinga breakfasts and RTVE spits that there is a tremendous bias and manipulation. The thing was such that one of the journalists usual breakfast (who writes nothing more and nothing less than reason, the eye to the data, which is telling) will conduct Cospedal disfigured, claiming to feel in a totally independent and that neither his nor any other newspaper echoed these complaints crazy PP. And the thing is tricky: you speak them, they had to cenutrios ultras as Buruaga or Urdaci (which, incidentally, used to intervene in one of his pseudo-programs and insulting Rubalcaba), and willing to give lessons of equanimity ... I do believe that TVE had never been as independent as now. Perfection does not exist, of course, but these days (where the director of RTVE was consensual with the opposition) is above all a long way. Nothing
, Ana: mood, go on, so incisive, so smart and so beautiful, and profitable, that in 2012 I think these items as they come into the Moncloa going to give you door to make Sostres, Sanchez Drago or one of those.
An admirer