This woman has me intrigued. Some time ago and although I loved to see it infrequently, I still love how to interview public figures who pass through breakfast. Because regardless of political ideas, Ana Pastor is always going to put your finger on it, and never accept an evasive answer, something as used in the English political class. A woman is incisive, intelligent, educated, informed and even beautiful, one of those beauties Levant could be English, Italian or Turkish, and has put in tension to various English political leaders (I especially remember how tense it was Pepe Blanco with those uncomfortable questions commonly posed to anyone who passes through the set, and it seemed simplistic compared to her namesake Leire Pajin and Ana Pastor, the PP). And moreover, it has become a global media and journalist famous interview with Iranian President Ahmadinejad with it so that intensity, that does not give budge, not wanting that eludes him, the veil to be falling and know what he was thinking that the Iranian cenutrio.
It turns out that is the program Cospedal señoritinga breakfasts and RTVE spits that there is a tremendous bias and manipulation. The thing was such that one of the journalists usual breakfast (who writes nothing more and nothing less than reason, the eye to the data, which is telling) will conduct Cospedal disfigured, claiming to feel in a totally independent and that neither his nor any other newspaper echoed these complaints crazy PP. And the thing is tricky: you speak them, they had to cenutrios ultras as Buruaga or Urdaci (which, incidentally, used to intervene in one of his pseudo-programs and insulting Rubalcaba), and willing to give lessons of equanimity ... I do believe that TVE had never been as independent as now. Perfection does not exist, of course, but these days (where the director of RTVE was consensual with the opposition) is above all a long way. Nothing
, Ana: mood, go on, so incisive, so smart and so beautiful, and profitable, that in 2012 I think these items as they come into the Moncloa going to give you door to make Sostres, Sanchez Drago or one of those.
An admirer
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