Friday, May 6, 2011

Skirt For Low Profile Spring Box

Absurd claims / decisions grotesque

Retrieve an article of Javier Marias few years ago, and back from laughing. It turns out that in some awards EEUUexisten called Stella Awards, which recognizes the most grotesque judicial decisions regarding claims. Here I write some:

a) A Texas woman received a compensation of 780 000 dollars from a furniture company for a while in a store, a boy bumped into her, and she broke her ankle. It is apparent that the child who tripped was none other than his own son.

b) In Pennsylvania, a burglar enters a home, robs, and when you the garage of the house with the loot, he gets stuck because of malfunction of the door. As the family was vacationing plundered, the thief spent a week locked in the garage, eating dog food and water. The jury, which theoretically would convict him of attempted robbery, finally make it pay compensation to $ 500 000, no less, of the anxiety that had to pass the poor man.

c) In California, a man had to pay 74 000 dollars for having struck the hand of another man. What happens is that this second man was stealing the hubcaps when the driver drove off. But that's all volcanic chump change.

d) In Arkansas, a man received a $ 15 000 from the owner of a dog that bit the ass treacherously. Iban to ask more, but it was a mitigating factor that the shooting had been bitten by the dog perdigonazos previously.

e) A Pennsylvania woman slips on a bar because there are remains of soda on the floor. It starts the coccyx. The jury awarded him 113 500 dollars ... and that it was she who had to throw the drink into the face of her boyfriend during a heated discussion.

f) A Delaware woman falls from the bathroom window of a nightclub and be part of teeth. The club had to pay 12 $ 000 ... and that the woman fell over there because he wanted to enter the bathroom to avoid having to pay the three dollars that it cost the entrance to the club.

g) Finally, Stella Award that year was for a driver from Oklahoma who bought a motorhome. Hit the road in his new car, and at one point left the wheel and went back to get a coffee. Obviously, it left the highway, and total loss. The company that had sold the van had to cough up 1.75 million dollars and a new car because apparently they had not specified the buyer that the car was not driving alone.

Marys also comments that there was a woman who put the puppy in the microwave (maybe he was cold, poor thing), with expected consequences. Sued the company for not having specified that use of the machine was discouraged. I think he took something to the company.

Ah, America, America ... a huge garden, this is America, said Nino Bravo. A garden of shysters freaks, I might add.

(Dedicated to my partner Maite, now visit the blog)


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