Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Appraisal District Scottsdale, Arizona

Zeitgeist - Lies, Truths and lies.

last night watching the show "Just Us", Zalfate, one of its panelists, talked about Zeitgeist, a documentary that in his words, the Internet was breaking in, the truth is so do not know if so, what if I already had heard from him and had seen the doculmental, so I waited to see your comment and while his opinion did not if sent to state that was, among other things, that Christianity is a Myth oft-repeated and copied by thousands of years as any other myth of gods, deities listed there that share features (or would be copies) such that born of a virgin, on December 25, were killed three days, resurrected, were dubbed with the same name, performed miracles, etc., and the list included Jesus Mithra, Horus, Krishna and Dionysus, to which the chicken, host of the program, said, "Denis was not the god of disorder and reel?, That question was not answered very comfortable leaving the question to air the program, thinking is that perhaps the only thing they had in common Dionysus and Jesus was his affinity with wine, but all panelists were open-mouthed and not asked or discussed anything bad that may have made everyone who heard or hear this or sees on television, a shame as some research or basic knowledge of Greek mythology (or if you have a friend Krishna Are) self, at least, creates an interesting question about the veracity of what we are being told, creating a personal opinion or view that the vast majority are outright lies. Below is my opinion and more information after a short introduction.

Zeitgeist is originally a German language expression meaning "the spirit (Geist) of the time (Zeit)." Denotes the intellectual and cultural climate of an era.

It is also the title of a documentary produced by Peter Joseph, webcasting (video that add up to Part 1). The film is structured in three parts:

The Greatest Story Ever Told

The first is an exposition of Christianity as a myth rather than something that actually happened, a hybrid literary-astrology. This is the part that has caused a stir by playing a song as "important" to society and the one that most caught my attention and which profundizaré my comments below.

whole world's a stage

The second part explains the workings of the media propaganda and indoctrination, is perhaps the most important documentary, as it is the most topical subject and which can use the documentary sources true to support his thesis of how they manage means that the citizens themselves agree to be more controlled by their governments.

Pay no attention to the men behind the curtain

The third section discusses the geopolitical and global economy by focusing on the monopoly of the money (along with financial speculation) and military spending. Maybe not as impressive or interesting as the first parts, but quite informative topics are common though, their performance is not of know-general.

Truth or lie, or both. Viewing

Documentary filmmaker from a glance, is pretty bad, especially the first part, departs markedly from any aesthetic and does not account any artistic attitude to rest on what we would call a news report, nothing more, and here is his record error, the potential of the film is not information but his opinion is that it tells us that we should not believe what or we are told that no one owns the truth. But the documentary, on the contrary of this, takes this form or report information, which are listed and taken for "real" information against established, it is as if everyone believed that the earth is square and someone claimed that it is round, because at such revolution that everyone would be against, it would be prudent cash and more or less to prove, and Christopher Columbus did, does he Zeitgest?, No and Yes, or tried, but perhaps he realized that there was like holding his claim and wrinkled or to include false information, but getting the account may include documentary more false than true (or maybe true but not shown to true) and it's up to investigate a bit, just a little, in any encyclopedia or other source, this perhaps is the only value of this documentary, which can generate a discussion or can make people wonder more about life and perhaps touch the issues most important to each individual, which is your spiritual life, social life and financial status, the truth I am a Christian and I love very much "all" the spiritual world, we do not believe that just a piece of meat with movement or that the universe may be a mantle rocks with worms, but I think it is a well trained to religion and blindly ignoring, or a government or a thought, everyone is free to seek the truth in their own way, but to destroy a myth or complain that something is false, we must at least demonstrate, in any form the film is quite sharp while lax to "disprove", and is as light to say that everything really has to do with the upcoming Age of Aquarius How strange it not, good astrology is very interesting and magical also, is given less importance than it should and is provided for charlatans, so, really, we must look, think and conclude. A girl has written a very entertaining and light-hearted I take to include, at the end put the link to your articles to read in or read the original article.

What Lies?

"The first part of astrology is good: the twelve is a magic number, twelve are the constellations of the zodiac. Okay, keeping in mind that astrology is not science even close.

worship the sun as the bringer of light and life certainly existed. Horus is indeed a solar god. The Egyptian priests performed a ritual every morning thanking the light has overcome the darkness. So, for now, yes, the sun was considered a source of life and worship. Not only by the Egyptians, of course.

following is no longer correct: it is true that the ancient religions worshiped natural phenomena and all that did not understand ... But not only worshiped the sun. Also rivers, mountains, lightning, thunder, frost and all that they could chafar afternoon. In Egypt, lived quite well, and their religion was more kind, viewed as more gentle nature, hence their gods were more "good fellow" that panda Greek satraps or gross of the Vikings.

"light against darkness, good versus evil is one of the most widespread mythological dualities known."

Yes, but the duality of "Good vs.. Evil "is fairly recent, I repeat that the first religions, animists, were not as" ethics ", and much fear of natural phenomena. Morality came later.

Now is when they start the "failures."


Born December 25: FALSE.

of the Virgin Isis-Meri, Isis resurrected her husband (he had been killed and dismembered by Set, and she had had to find and connect the pieces) with oral sex, his penis was introduced into the body, and Horus was born there. In some versions do not appear fellatio. In others, Isis did not find the penis and makes a papyrus, gold or sycamore wood (depending on the version), and he performs sex to get pregnant. Nowhere does it specify that Isis was a virgin. Finally, it is called Isis, Isis-Meri NO. So FALSE.

accompanied Birth of a Star: NO.

Three Kings: NO. And are four whoppers in ten seconds. Preacher

the twelve: Horus? Horus is the sun god, and if born of a dismembered corpse, and risen recosido based on fellatio, did not need to preach anything. This information is also false.

Horus baptized: "Baptize" literally means "to immerse." We are not aware it was submerged or in a basin to wash it, let alone that it was with religious significance. Or the age of 30, he was immortal. Oh, and this kid was born as a god son of a goddess. He did not need anyone to get into soaking to lead.

Twelve disciples: Twelve gods were the Egyptian pantheon, because it is true that the number twelve is a "magic" or astrologically significant. But Horus had twelve disciples NO.

Miracles Well I'll tell you and tell you if it was a god have any writing. But I do note that in antiquity there were lots of "prophets", "wizards" and "miracle." For anyone who could heal a disease, predict an eclipse or sulfur ignite relatively ostentatious, he was a magician. Anything that people do not understand, it was magic or a miracle. And 99% of the population at that time did not know or understand anything. Beware of this: for those parts, was "magician" who knew almost write your name in the sand. In the Middle Ages witch that know how to use medicinal herbs, contraception or abortion. In the Middle Ages, reading without moving mouth was magic. Seriously, read this without moving the lips or without declaiming aloud, was magic. You're doing something right now that ten centuries ago was a miracle. Keep this in mind when judging the "miracles" that were made before that, a bottle of betadine would have been miraculous.

pastor Rod: Do you remember I told you before that religions were based on the reality of peoples? Well, if there are so many pastor among the prophets, not because they copied each other, but because by then all were shepherds or farmers. For example, Ulysses, king of Ithaca, was also a pastor in a rocky island. So I do not mean much to bring Horus a shepherd's staff. Sure, there were engineers at the time, would not bring a laptop.

Crucified's when I realized that the film directly lying. BALLS A Horus was crucified. Dead

three days, not three days or eight quarters: it was not dead, period. With so obviously he did not rise. That was his daddy ... Osiris.

Anointed: Anoint means "anointing with oil." Oils at that time were expensive and fragrant. The "anoint" a person seems to be that ended up having a sacred significance. The dead were anointed and, at most, a few statues of gods. As with the case grazing, associate the sacred oil is relatively common. Today you can buy a jug of oil and a kilo of incense, but at that time, those things were luxuries reserved for the very rich, very very gods or kings. C'mon, it's a status symbol, more than anything else.

that time we will see a long list of lies and a couple of misrepresentations, obviously put there to convince us that all the details of the life of Jesus of Nazareth are copied from that of Horus. Make no mistake: there are details of the life of Jesus that are copied. But it was not copied from Horus.

Brief History of Horus, the god Osiris was married with Isis. Set, the god of evil, killed and dismembered Osiris. Isis searched the pieces, sewed and resurrected Osiris with his extensive knowledge of magic. Of Osiris and Isis raised Horus was born, who immediately said "Walk is September, we'll have a talk?" He went to look for in September, urged on by slaps him, and was elected chief god of their pantheon. This beautiful story exemplified the suffering at the hands of evil, life continued in subsequent generations through female fertility, and the final defeat of evil. (NOTE: a pantheon of gods is a collection of mythology: Zeus is the leader of the Greek pantheon, Odin the pantheon Viking, etc). To learn more or find out if I'm lying, seek information on your own, which is what I want to show with this post.

Luckily I already knew details of Egyptian mythology, Buddhist and Mithraic, and I began to suspect a manipulative intention from the beginning. But who knows nothing of these issues is able to believe everything she says "documentary." And that is a mistake. This is the misfortune of education today. It teaches people to doubt that with such authority, so as not to believe the official version, you know and you think critically. But not taught to collate data and compare the information. And believe Conspiranoids version blindly and without question is the same as believing the official story without question, is not having a critical and swallow what you loose. Doubt is more than good, but it is worse than wrong to accept anything without contrasting.

EDIT: Not for people entering comments saying that Isis was a virgin, so I have to add an explanatory paragraph. Look, the conception of Horus had to be magical and miraculous, because obviously a dead not you get pregnant just like that. But Isis was not a virgin. First, she was married to Osiris. A married woman is a virgin if not specified, it is assumed that having sex with husband. Second: Osiris showed no sexual continence, was sleeping with Nephthys (wife of Seth). Isis Nephthys disguised himself in order to have sex with Osiris. Indicating that Osiris Isis had sex with, because if Isis had been a virgin, why would a disguise Nephthys Isis, Osiris if he wanted to seduce? Third, does not specify that Isis was a virgin, and virginity is low (hence value). Specified virginity in young and single it was supposed to be very valuable in the married So, if not specified anywhere, is that there is not. And if you want more evidence, know that this detail appears in many ancient texts. For example, in Homer's Iliad, Agamemnon clarifies his slave Criseyde that "I prefer to Clytemnestra, who was betrothed virgin." Come on, even Clytemnestra, wife of the king, clarifies that she was a virgin before marriage, because virginity was so scarce and valuable that was published from the rooftops. If not specified, there is not, and less of a married woman.

One thing is clear: I am not denying that Christians copied many details, dogmas and miracles of other religions. That's syncretism and as I said before, is common and there's no denying ... Moreover, we must teach people what it is and what details were on earlier myths and how they are culturally merging both. There are versions of virgin birth before the supposed birth of Jesus. This indicates that Christians can copy the dogma of the virgin birth. But not copied from Isis. But let

. If, Horus, which is well known mythology, we have tried to sneak in a trolled, to see what follows:

Attis of Phrygia:

Born of a virgin: The phallus Agdistis cut a tree fell and Nana became pregnant after putting the tree on his chest, which disappeared leaving her pregnant. If it is "technically" there was no sex in their design. But the "immaculate conception" of Mary as a dogma was the news that there was no sexual detail included in the set, absolutely nothing. This reflects the phallus is not exactly the same idea of \u200b\u200bpurity, but hey, we accept that if born of a virgin.

December 25: No.

Crucified: No.

dead three days: No mention of time, it was dead.

Risen reborn as PINE. Gives me is not the same.

Want to know more about Attis of Phrygia?


Born of the virgin Devaki, Devaki was a princess, and was not virgin. Krishna was born of his mother and father Devaki Vasudeva, to traditional. According to one tradition, Krishna was an avatar of Vishnu. But avatar or not, nowhere places that his conception was Marian. Recall that in Hinduism souls moving around and are reincarnated.

Star in the East: No.

miracle: He fought demons and won, among other things. There are many miracles in their tradition. But again, that by that time there were miracles of supply.

risen: No. He died. According to Hindu tradition, your soul is getting better in each reincarnation depending on how you behave, so Krishna became a god. But that is not revived.

Want to know more about Krishna? Well, he has read for a while, hear! Take a look:

wledge / category / lord-Krushna

http : / / / ab / WCMS / en / home / Teachings / Bhagavadgita / index.html

Dionysius of Greece:

Born of a virgin: Depends on myth. In one seduces Zeus and Semele deflowers obviously. In another, leaves her pregnant Zeus giving drinking a beverage, and in this version it is born of a virgin.

Born December 25: No.

Itinerant Preacher: What he did was taught to cultivate the vine and make wine. More than a preacher seems a professor of agriculture (which is almost more useful). Deified it must have come from how much he liked the rock XD

wine miracle: As I had divine powers, one would, between them reached the realm of the dead without invitation, to make people happy and drive her crazy. Quite related to the wearing of the wine to those who do not know, of course.

Water into wine: Well, come in their tradition, yes.

King of Kings: This is the superlative Hebrew, is a literary figure (as a metaphor), dating from the Old Testament: "God from God, Light from Light" ... In short, a way of saying things. Only I have not seen it applied to Dionisio anywhere.

only Son of God: The only son of Zeus, Dionysus? For favorrrr. Sons of Zeus: Hercules, Apollo, Artemis, Athena, Persephone, Perseus, Helen, Minos, nine muses, Hephaestus, Ares, Hebe ... And some more depending on which versions of stories. Anyway. Alpha and Omega

means the beginning and end, as the alpha and omega are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. I do not know if Dionisio he was given the title, but if they deified to bring to humanity the Rioja, like if you said that XD affection.

risen: He became immortal through fame, which is not the same. Come on, that like Hercules and other mortals, it is therefore agreed that became a god. It is true that a couple of times down to Hades and returned happily, but remember that he might go down to Hades still alive, as did Orpheus. Neither died and rose again, was headed to Olympus, by a large number of followers.

People here are a few similarities between details of the immaculate conception and the transformation of water into wine. These ideas it could happen to Christianity by syncretism. What of the immaculate conception is not so sure, since one of the versions include sex. But in the matter of turning water into wine, the resemblance is sooo suspicious. And the miracle of water into wine only in the Gospel of St. John, who is the most different from the other three. And Denis was before Jesus, so there I have to give the reason the authors of the documentary. "I had a hard time using only the correct data?

True, there are tenets of Christianity that existed before the birth of Jesus. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe virginal conception existed previously. And it's good to teach that to people: it would Interestingly enough, those who call themselves Christians were set more to respect the ideals of love for others and less on miracles and virginity. I'm all for criticizing the dogmas ... but I am against that matches up with where there are none.

Want to know more about Dionysus? Do not miss the Greek mythology! Falcon Crest with superpowers! Adultery! Treason! Adventure! More here:

Mitra of Persia ... and Greece, and Rome at times:

Here I have to make a bullet: Mitra does have a lot of coincidences point to Jesus of Nazareth, and possibly were the Christians who were copied, as the cult of Mithra was older. I can not be sure because I was not there and Mitra who ran against Jesus by believers themselves know very little.

Moreover, Mitra has a big problem: the first is a figure of Zoroastrianism, and then goes to Europe with changes. The European cult of Mithras (Mithraism or mysteries of Mithras) was the most competitive Salvatori religion made Christianity on its head. And some people think that all he did finally beat that Christianity was ... Mithraism passed olímpicamente de las mujeres. Es lo que ocurre cuando decides obviar a la mitad de la humanidad. Pero bueno, rebusquemos en la historia de Mitra/Mitras, a ver si aclaramos algo:

Nacido de una virgen: No en todas las versiones. En la hindú, Mitra era hijo de la diosa madre Aditi, que NO era virgen. En la zoroastrista, Mitra era una creación directa del dios Ahura Mazda. En otras, es hijo de Ahura Mazda y Anahita. Más tarde se le llamó hijo de una diosa-madre, Anahita. Y en un templo seleúcida perdido al este de Irán (uno solo) hay una dedicatoria a “Anahita, inmaculada virgen madre del dios Mithras”, pero recordemos que el Mitra de Los Misterios de Mitra romanos NO es el mismo que el Mithras persa, or anything like equal to Mithras Hindu, but all three come from the same site, in three different cultures is their religion (and their mythology). In short, there are several versions about, NOT a consistent. The authors of the documentary have been seized as a straw to a registration, (ONE) which is not corroborated by other information we have on the three branches of the cult of Mithra. That might be true, but does not stand what historians call a witness multiple criteria (multiple attestation in English). If multiple versions of a myth, we must tell them all not to take for granted as absolute truth and a detail of a recording alone. However, unlike the authors, I say that yes, there is an inscription in a temple Iranian says yes, that Mithras was the son of a virgin goddess. I will add that since the authors of the documentary might give the three versions, because that is what you would expect from a documentary purpose.

December 25: Yes, the Christians here were copied. The Roman Mithras, NOT the Persian Mithras.

12 disciples: Mitra? Where did they get that?

miracle: Well it was a creation of a god ... In the original myth, Ahura Mazda as God did, so one would have, but do not know. The Romans worshiped Mithras was eminently warrior did not know whether miracles. Do not argue, and I repeat that at that time, miracles abounded more than now.

died three days In any tradition I've ever seen.

Risen: Why, if I was born a god? Nor has.

Known as "light", "truth" I am not aware, but perhaps those adjectives come from the worship of Ahura Mazda, the god of Zoroastrianism, he was a god of light and good (and very nice, the Truth be told).

Day worship: Sunday or day of the Sun ": I do not know that was once a week, much less on Sunday. Buuut ... often the case that the cult of Mithras confused with that of Sol Invictus, Sol Invictus and yes he loved Sunday. By syncretism, were about to merge the two figures (Mithras and Sol Invictus), although the cult of Mithra continued to occur separately. But some of the attributes of both gods were mixed and merged. Hence the confusion. And in this case is understandable confusion, I repeat that the cult of Roman Mithras YES has many similarities with Christian worship.

Christianity make this clear: the Jews worshiped the sabbath. Christians, to differentiate, on Sunday. And the Muslims, for diferenciarese of the two, on Friday. It's as simple as wanting to be different in that subject to the foregoing.

Mitra is true that Roman has many similarities in their worship with Christ Jew. The problem is that in the film are forced comparisons (as of the virgin is forced, because they have chosen the version that they liked) or he invent them (as of 12 disciples and resurrection and death for three days there I know where they have taken). Why? Because there are real similarities between Christianity / Roman Catholicism and Mithraism were not served to defend the astrological theories discussed below.

Want to know more about Mitra? Fixer is, we know almost nothing! But you can try Here:

"The fact is that there are numerous saviors, from different periods, from around the world who agree with these general characteristics."

as hot dogs and you take the list, hoping that the amount of information than long overwhelmed the staff and believe the lies and misrepresentations that have been released before are applicable to all other names that are passed quickly.

Forgive me if I say "lies" about all the mistakes I've pointed out, instead of "mistakes." If there were one or two, could be errors. If you speak only that Mithra was born December 25, or that Horus had twelve disciples (twelve gods in their pantheon), you might think are mistakes. But this whole list of false information can not be the result of errors. This has been the intention to deceive people. Because if not, tell me what to do in this list that runs so fast so they would not read it, "Thor, Odin's son of the Gauls" How the Gauls, Thor and Odin?! And Sibyls and Adonis, which have in common with each other and with Jesus Christ that the bacon to speed.

have long a string of beads on these earlier "gods" have released a list of other few, and have hoped that nobody collate information.

Moral: check the information that you provide. Do not believe anything. Let

still remains:

Jesus of Nazareth, also known as the Christ, which means "anointed one", meaning that at some point they put oil in his head (but in a sacred and with great respect, eh?). The answers I give here will not say they are true, but those which conform to Christian mythology, as I have said before that respective mythologies:

Born of the Virgin Mary: So says the tradition, yes. It was a myth relatively groundbreaking at the time. Despite what I want to believe this documentary, the myth of the immaculate conception was quite groundbreaking at the time. As Egyptian mythology claimed the position of women through capacity Isis to give life through his sexuality and fertility, Christian mythology was asserting a woman for her chastity. Then it degenerated not see, but the original myth was quite tender.

December 25 is not known. Possibly his followers wanted to give more "cache" and put the nativity on that date ... or to crush their meaning Mithraic.

Star in the East: It says the tradition.

Three Kings: The Bible does not put how many, and NO. Were wise astrologers. Those who saw them thought they were kings, because they were rich, it seemed. = Persian Magi (East) = worshipers of supreme god Ahura Mazda of the Persians, whose symbol is the fire = astrologers. Hence the "wise men". What I was three gifts they brought were (thanks to Yatoshi and Joseph for the clarification). I did not know this because I have not read the Bible (though I'm on it.) But I want to know why someone made a video, called "documentary" and not read the sources. This ruling is big, guys. These people are looking for evidence to show that Jesus is a copy, and has not looked at the Gospels. Come on, it will Justito professionalism.

Preacher at 12: Yes, so says tradition.

Baptized at 30, yes, by John the Baptist, which certainly did exist and was highly respected in his time. John the Baptist is a prophet in three religions: Christianity, Islam and Manichaeism. But come on, that "baptize" was to give people a ahogadilla in a river, that it means "to immerse."

Twelve disciples, also says that tradition.

miracle: Actually not. For what was fashionable in Israel at that time, Jesus Miracles rather little. The Romans were pretty cop of the Jews, they said that Israel had prophets everywhere, and everyone did a milagrillo another (and this is historical.) Simon "The Wizard" that guy who according to the New Testament Jesus sought to buy the ability to grant the Holy Spirit (the origin of the word "simony" = faith purchase money), was more famous among the Romans that Jesus Christ, fact killed himself before the emperor Nero when he tried to prove he could fly (it pulled the top of a column and "escornó").

King of kings, the son of God, Light of the world, Lamb of God, Alpha and Omega, King of Kings: superlative Hebrew, appears in the Old Testament, and is a literary as a metaphor, where we said Dionisio. The alpha and omega is a praise in Greek, meaning "the beginning and the end." Applied to God (through Yato for the tip), not surprisingly, since God supposedly existed for ever and ever; light of the world have already said that is a compliment to represent the fight against darkness, and Lamb of God means Jesus was the sacrifice made by God (the Jews sacrificed lambs, and as Yahweh allegedly sacrificed his son as so was the "lamb of God", by Yatoshi and Joseph for this information).

Crucified: Yep, by Roman law to request of the Jewish authorities because he was a loudmouth Jew. Jewish tradition says he died "hung", not crucified, but that is not safe for sure, because that's what it says a Talmudic version, and really, by that time there were many Jesus in Palestine.

resurrected on the third day, the tradition does say this. Then also said that ascended to heaven.

So far they say the respective traditions. You will see that there is more than one and more than two faults in the set. "By natsufan ( [info] natsufan )

Monday, June 16, 2008

How To Light Sterno Fondue

Sex and the City ... and the Placement

The product placement or product placement, also known as product placement or just placement , is an advertising technique that does not appear to express or traditional advertising, while not specifically mentioning the products, used marks, symbols or other important traits, inserting them in the same context where it develops an area of \u200b\u200b"normal", which are usually audiovisual media such as television programs and series, soap operas, music videos, our beloved movies, reality shows and videogames among others.

There are 2 types of product placement:
Active : the character makes direct reference to the product or emphasizing service itself or the characteristic qualities of this, almost like an ad. Usually presented on television shows, reality shows, and rarely in the movies.
Passive : though the character does not interact with the product, it is present in the environment and even in the context insert as escenogrefía, props, costumes, etc. Usually occurs in TV series, movies, video games, music videos and reality shows.

However, in the movie Sex and the City, Sex in the City for Latin America or Sex and the City in Spain (which I think is the title that suits you overshoot), Carrie Bradshaw (Sarah Jessica Parker ) and its amiguis, reflect on their umpteenth failure of love as usual, giving a twist to a familiar maxim: "It appears that, on balance, one he can go home. But it costs too much." So for the rest of the film, Carrie will implement the lesson learned the hard way, who does not notice this maxim is Michael Patrick King, writer and director of this last chapter (I hope) in the series, disguised as a movie.

I'm not a fan of the series, and maybe that's why I can see what the fans ("as") (only sycophants of the film) do not recognize is that it is nothing more than stretching (exageradísimos 145 minutes) the outcome of the series, which can be as common and routine as the official series, news and good news that each of the members of the quartet situations are quite predictable, a recycling of all their previous adventures, not making a coherent narrative and fun that would allow a dramatic crescendo or a story that managed to take one's own body or propose something new to justify their existence.

"the failure of this adaptation is the lack of enthusiasm of the enterprise or the omission of some of the elements that became a hit series in the late 90, and as freely as are permitted by their footage. Here are the photo-pop thanks to John Thomas and the eye of the costume drama Patricia Field, without a doubt the best film-the unflinching beauty of New York fashion as armor, art and celebration, the narrative voice of Carrie, capable of reducing any existential dilemma Cosmo a cable (without loss of truth, of course ), the fickleness of men and sustainability of female friendship and so on. "Dolores Graña.

Taking the clothes in the sun ...

Therefore, and more interesting than the movie, is to look at the true art of product placement that uses Sex and the City, guilty of that half of women in the West know that some "Manolos" are a pair of shoes and not some joke characters Galician (expensive shoes truth, like everything in this series). Therefore, it is no wonder that Sex and the City, the film is the most desirable advertising container year with a desire to position brands in the female market, and could identify no less than 67 brands that advertise in the film. And why are not all the "warnings" hidden in the film. I will announce my next film in the very rich Competa cookies.


Girls have style and know how to choose the right outfit for the right occasions: Trend-setters in power. These are the most stylish brands you will recognize in the film: Manolo Blahnik (our beloved Manolos), Vivienne Westwood (the wedding dress Carrie wears at the beginning of the film is valued at nearly $ 23,000 USD), Louis Vuitton (all the time and especially the bag Louise: $ 1,500), Chanel, Dior (the costume second-hand second wedding of Carrie is valued at $ 6,000), Ferragamo, Roger Vivier, Diane von Furstenberg (his clothes and store), Herman's, Christian Louboutin, Prada, Escada, Versace, Gucci, Oscar de la Renta, Carolina Herrera, Christian Lacroix, Lanvin, Nike, Adidas, Burberry, Tiffany and Co. Swarovski (on the phone for Carrie, Miranda's hair in the bag girl Charlotte), H Stern (the brand of jewelry from more than 300 pieces) and Hello Kitty.

The girls are the ultimate in technology and all the brands are positioned depending on the nature of the character and associating the brand to a type of consumer. These would be the advertisers: Apple (Carrie's computer), iPhone (the phone do not like to Samantha Carrie), Blackberry (the worker your Miranda) and Bang.


Girls also buy, also read. Especially women's magazines, local and style. Such as: Vogue (a scene in their offices), New York Post, Entertainment Weekly, New York Magazine, Marie Claire and The Wall Street Journal (as Big read in bed, of course).

Cosmetics, coffee shops, several ...

The female market is also, and even if you do not believe it, consists of cosmetics, food and services, and also are well advertised: Bag Borrow or Steal (consistently with the character of Louise), Starbucks (all coffee drunk in the film is his), Pellegrino, Vitamin Water (in the most blatant product placement during the fashion show scene ), L'Oreal, Garnier Fructis, Nivea, Mercedes-Benz, American Airlines ...

Sources:, wikipedia,

Monday, June 9, 2008

Red Spot On The Tip Of The Tongue

What is Fashion - cover your mouth, or maybe just the pack in Chile

Million Dollars Invested in the campaign against cigarettes worldwide, the Thing Here in Chile is relatively new (only spent two seasons), and then, as we have become a people quite busy, there were quite a stir with First Campaign and "Don Miguel", an old smoker and his hole in his throat that came and warned his colleagues lomalo smokers is the cigarette butt, after his melancholy derecognised (note to fans who had target pe back) was replaced or a nasty yellow teeth and crooked, with lyrics and an unintelligible design that heralded the "bad breath."

The authorities wanted to make an impact (repeating the success of my campaign ma in other countries) and they did, that was quite repulsive ugliness, much more than Don Miguel which was until estubo wanted and about to get his card game told me a Betzabeth, but like Chile is clever and cunning, did not wait even a day (well maybe a month) in solving the problem of teeth and since the summer of 2007 that I see fewer and fewer friends delay between the opening package of cigarettes and homely hiding the teeth, with the same silver paper which are covered with (I think it looked bad to who is not does), the last one was my friend Mark in a baruch out there (9, 43 seconds), which take advantage of get some photos of such educational action, and so there are very few teeth that are misshapen on the reel tables bailongos several now prolif were bright gray squares, which are not so cute but comfortable to the pupil, only warnings are being left on the posters and some other guy who we warns u s own teeth (and there are some that ...), well, something happens to time but will remain in fashion until the replacement characters in the campaign, a campaign that has brought good numbers in almost all the world (until we cover them.)

The Chilean Health Ministry acknowledged that thanks to
first year of the campaign with images "shocking s" that began in August 2006, "5% of smokers stopped smoking, 36% decided to decrease go consumption and 17% of potential smokers decided not to start smoking for the same reason " , And other countries is the same story (well not repeated because it existed before in Chile, but good '). Phrases that include the campaign of our Ministry of Health are: "I have bad breath", "snuff smoke permeates your entire body and kill you every day", "These cigarettes will cause cancer, stroke, emphysema, damage your mouth, your teeth and your entire body. " In other countries the sentences and the teeth are somewhat similar.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Putting Orajel On Your Cock

A Hollywood

After the unfortunate fire at Universal Studios Hollywood, maybe we should consider offering one of our piece of land, here in Chile, for the establishment (offer but not give away as southern Tompkins or private mining north). And although it seems, is not a idea very far from reality (well, yes, a little). Remember that Hollywood was established in California for two simple reasons, one physical and one economic (though in that industry in the end it lies in the economy).

In early 1900 (slightly after the invention of the drilling and Edison's Kinetoscope in 1891, and the invention of the Lumiere films in 1895), film production companies in New York and New Jersey started moving to California because:

First- His many sunny days during the year because the days were also longer. Although there was electricity, film studies relied on natural lighting to film, besides the good weather which facilitated on location. (Things that are needed until today)

And the other- also had many studies began to stop paying the fee abusive Edison (who held the patent as the inventor of film theory), which could throw them in serious legal trouble. Since then, the district of Hollywood has evolved to become the Mecca of cinema throughout the Western world. However, some time ago that the studies were moved to the suburbs of Los Angeles, because the growth of the city significantly increased the land value studies and preferred to sell their large land and settle in more distant locations (again bonus economics see?). Hollywood is now more of a nostalgic brand a reality (mapping) in the world of cinema.

But "Chile could provide a refuge as well? , as it did (and before I got James Bond), clear, spacious places, sunlight, good weather, mmmm, see our synoptic chart, mmm, Antofagasta!. That same expression must have made some visionary (or three) back in the early twentieth century, the idea was good but was a good time though, luck is not with us (well, they) Chile was still very underdeveloped, to which was added the coup that mean for the Chilean economy crisis nitrate (bad CAEU of Chile). As shown, a preview of "Antofagasta, the Hollywood of South America", Documentary Adriana historic Zuanic, and exhibited in "The Culture entertaining" and that addresses this issue.

But the past is past, and instead of forgetting it is always better to learn from him as we taught our friend Rafiki. Could we repeat hisoria and succeed in the attempt? , I think so (and although not believe it is a duty to try to do nothing), but that need a cheap place (Antofagasta and it is not, and Santiago is not very nice and quiet), the optimum would create a place (Hollywood was just a village before ... Hollywood) should be a place with physical conditions, good weather, little rain, connectivity with airports, roads, diversity of landscapes / locations, dry, wet, urban, rural and quiet to work, write, shoot, ride, etc. That is found in many cities and towns in the 4th or 5th region (Quilpué propose, Sun City, hehe), even the 6th. However, it should be legal and financial resources allocated, to provide facilities, development planning, as it does with much care the state with casinos (the film also entertains and can generate money lords) or allocates resources and subsists building projects that decentralize to Chile (Urban renewal), Why not an area with such facilities to establish a company dedicated to the Movies?, would be nice to generate a pole with its own identity separate from other industries, recognizable and locatable by the conscious group of people, generating a real strong industry producing feed and not isolated and weak. Not sure if it was or is a good idea, would you think (hopefully not much), but it is an idea, an "industry" and a country which lacks many of the ideas.