And the other- also had many studies began to stop paying the fee abusive Edison (who held the patent as the inventor of film theory), which could throw them in serious legal trouble. Since then, the district of Hollywood has evolved to become the Mecca of cinema throughout the Western world. However, some time ago that the studies were moved to the suburbs of Los Angeles, because the growth of the city significantly increased the land value studies and preferred to sell their large land and settle in more distant locations (again bonus economics see?). Hollywood is now more of a nostalgic brand a reality (mapping) in the world of cinema.
But "Chile could provide a refuge as well? , as it did (and before I got James Bond), clear, spacious places, sunlight, good weather, mmmm, see our synoptic chart, mmm, Antofagasta!. That same expression must have made some visionary (or three) back in the early twentieth century, the idea was good but was a good time though, luck is not with us (well, they) Chile was still very underdeveloped, to which was added the coup that mean for the Chilean economy crisis nitrate (bad CAEU of Chile). As shown, a preview of "Antofagasta, the Hollywood of South America", Documentary Adriana historic Zuanic, and exhibited in "The Culture entertaining" and that addresses this issue.
But the past is past, and instead of forgetting it is always better to learn from him as we taught our friend Rafiki. Could we repeat hisoria and succeed in the attempt? , I think so (and although not believe it is a duty to try to do nothing), but that need a cheap place (Antofagasta and it is not, and Santiago is not very nice and quiet), the optimum would create a place (Hollywood was just a village before ... Hollywood) should be a place with physical conditions, good weather, little rain, connectivity with airports, roads, diversity of landscapes / locations, dry, wet, urban, rural and quiet to work, write, shoot, ride, etc. That is found in many cities and towns in the 4th or 5th region (Quilpué propose, Sun City, hehe), even the 6th. However, it should be legal and financial resources allocated, to provide facilities, development planning, as it does with much care the state with casinos (the film also entertains and can generate money lords) or allocates resources and subsists building projects that decentralize to Chile (Urban renewal), Why not an area with such facilities to establish a company dedicated to the Movies?, would be nice to generate a pole with its own identity separate from other industries, recognizable and locatable by the conscious group of people, generating a real strong industry producing feed and not isolated and weak. Not sure if it was or is a good idea, would you think (hopefully not much), but it is an idea, an "industry" and a country which lacks many of the ideas.
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