The authorities wanted to make an impact (repeating the success of my campaign ma in other countries) and they did, that was quite repulsive ugliness, much more than Don Miguel which was until estubo wanted and about to get his card game told me a Betzabeth, but like Chile is clever and cunning, did not wait even a day (well maybe a month) in solving the problem of teeth and since the summer of 2007 that I see fewer and fewer friends delay between the opening package of cigarettes and homely hiding the teeth, with the same silver paper which are covered with (I think it looked bad to who is not does), the last one was my friend Mark in a baruch out there (9, 43 seconds), which take advantage of get some photos of such educational action, and so there are very few teeth that are misshapen on the reel tables bailongos several now prolif were bright gray squares, which are not so cute but comfortable to the pupil, only warnings are being left on the posters and some other guy who we warns u s own teeth (and there are some that ...), well, something happens to time but will remain in fashion until the replacement characters in the campaign, a campaign that has brought good numbers in almost all the world (until we cover them.)
The Chilean Health Ministry acknowledged that thanks to first year of the campaign with images "shocking s" that began in August 2006, "5% of smokers stopped smoking, 36% decided to decrease go consumption and 17% of potential smokers decided not to start smoking for the same reason " , And other countries is the same story (well not repeated because it existed before in Chile, but good '). Phrases that include the campaign of our Ministry of Health are: "I have bad breath", "snuff smoke permeates your entire body and kill you every day", "These cigarettes will cause cancer, stroke, emphysema, damage your mouth, your teeth and your entire body. " In other countries the sentences and the teeth are somewhat similar.

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