Thursday, December 30, 2010

How To Make An Indoor Shuffleboard

Inside was a fugacity bottomless void in which only remained the impression of the moment. As an orphan terrain and vegetation roots, unable to sustain or support to others. No lasting records, except for a recurring cycle of thought, sometimes obsessive, author of monologues, sketches and Dramon appealing to the lowest common denominators. Mind Games, barriers built around a stunted emotional corpus over time had become infamous prison, making hell a place located in his chest. After years of neglect, was considering the needs or knew that he could hardly shape. And so, after assertive smile lay a complex web that made him feel emotional inhabitant of a wilderness of confusion and bewilderment. Inhabited by a monster empty of breath and sharp teeth boiling, always hungry, always ready to take hold when the lights dimmed and the audience were resting away, safe. Inside, alone, persecuted, Cork Brain screaming, howling for help. Maybe that's why finding a cure for pain, maybe that's why his selfish concern for those around him. Unconsciously, I never give anything without expecting something in return, and each act was a plea, a "help me" sung in a language created by himself, incomprehensible to the rest. Designed to meet the demands of your ego self-pitying. Receiving a signal, too designed to interpret without filters. But I sensed that the acceptance of incomplete and distorted nature of this confusion, this imbalance could make her understand that all lived inside. Pain. The shadow. Light. Giving access to a fuller understanding of the process which reduced their existence. And so, perhaps, be happy. Maybe ...
~ Appearances (Acuarela, 2009)
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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Zippershare Pump Up Music

one day you wake up like any other. Going to work, greet fellow early risers, turn on the light of the office and you get a coffee while you take a first look at the images that your trusty electronic eye, Hubble has sent over night ... to give face to face with the piercing turquoise eyes. After all, it may not be a day like everyone else.
The disturbing Hourglass Nebula is located in the constellation of Muska, about 8000 light years away. Its dramatic form, the theory of formation of planetary nebulae is due to a stream of rapidly expanding stellar wind within a dense cloud of slow expansion. The sun-like star at its center has consumed all its fuel and is dying, so that its outer layers are being expelled while the core cools, creating another small hourglass nebula and becoming a white dwarf. The expanding rings are clouds of nitrogen (red), helium (green) and oxygen (blue) that were detected multiple stellar objects associated with star formation, though initially it was thought that the nebula was symmetrical, star- appears slightly off-axis. This fact also observed in some galaxies, still no explanation, but theories point to a massive star or a black hole invisible as possible causes.

What sounded?
Betunizer ~ Who never born to die drowning Hangman (BCore, 2010) Listen to this album

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Recessed Shower Soap Dish

"Politics, It Seems to me, for years, or all too long, Has Been Concerned with right or left of right or wrong INSTEAD .

policy, in my opinion, takes too much time concerned with right and left instead of right and wrong) "Richard Armou
r. In pun right (right, right, right), left (left) and wrong (wrong, wrong) is hardly translatable, but the message is clear: the political spin about themselves and make us believe spinning the world. They are paid travel on the carousel.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Tuning A Acoustic Solution Tv

was July 1, under a sky without seams, overflowing. Solmartillo. Tierrayunque. Air
fire. And suddenly, she.
entering deep into my chest
. Infinite

in snowy white, tiny the matrix
blue. its promise of rain and darkness, her silky dress,
was love at first sight, something rather platonic, gazing spellbound, a mechanical hum turned my attention to the currents of heat distorting horizon. I raised my eyes again squinting, dazzled by the kaleidoscopic brilliance d the sun, but

was no trace of white. Just blue. A bright blue curtain static.

What sounded? ~ Miranda Familea
melodrama (BCore, 2010)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wording For Dora Party

Dawn and we started with a cold environment. -6 º to -10 º in 45 minutes. Goodbye cold north, hi humid South. Miles, gray sky in Punta Candor. Corvina, starting and dogfish. An oasis before the start of the war. In the Dojo, smiles, reunions ... and direct training. Dusk and Qi-Gong. The start of two days of immersion in Sanchin Kata, Goju Ryu, Kobudo, Seidokan. First contacts with the new family. Young. Ready. Authentic. Breakfast and fellowship. Rain. The water soaks karateguis, water does not stop. Neither do we. Body cold, warm heart, mind away. Anyone want to swim? It seems not, but the Sensei is clear: all the water. Still raining. Continue. water skips lunch, the evening we reached the sand, in a storm, joining heaven and earth. The wind can not scare me, I am the wind. The beam can not reach me, I am the lightning. The rain can not get wet, I am the rain. Enter me, I go through. Are my parents, my brothers, my makers. The teacher gives us His wisdom, teaches us to dance the dance of death, to follow the path that must lead to the final. Conscious. Constant. Without looking down. Sanchin. The three battles. Body. Mind. Spirit. Iron shirt. It will not stop the beat (nothing will), but maybe you're ready when you arrive. Maybe ... And then, as the land, the storm, the sea. Dissolve in the universe. Be one. With my sisters and brothers. bye. Adios humid South, hi humid north. The fields, flooded, the promise of a cold Tuesday becomes water. Smiles. Chat. Laughter. A troll with me inexhaustible energy. Continues its way to a fertile valley. Bless me. It is my sister. At home, my friends are unknown. They speak of peace and a spring eternal, to experience and realize the interior of a deathless snake that arises from the earth and rises up the spine. Imagine. Rises. Free. Without fear. To infinity. have to die to be reborn. What sounded? Kodo Heartbeat Drummers Of Japan ~ (Sheffield Lab, 1985) Listen to this album

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Fire Precaution Attic Insulation

Hell. Pedro Botero boilers. Did anyone ever wonder where it comes from all that fire? Is all that temperature? According to the classic hell is underground, so obey the mechanistic laws of thermodynamics and energy conservation. That is, all that heat must come from or go somewhere. This crucial issue was raise a chute to a university professor, for without thinking twice raised the question of consideration. Question: Is Hell exothermic (gives off heat) or endothermic (absorbs heat)?
Most respondents considered (mechanically), according to the principles of Boyle's Law: the gas cools when expands and heats when compressed. One student, however, went a step further ...
Answer: First, we need to know to what extent the total mass of Hell is changing over time. To do this we need to know at what pace souls are moving into Hell and the rate out. But I have understood that, once inside Hell, the souls and not leave him. Therefore, no souls are leaving. As for how many souls are entering Hell, let's look at the different religions, most of them state that if you do not belong to them, go to Hell. Since more than one religion and is expressed and as people not belong to more than one, we can conclude that all souls go to Hell. With the birth and death rates are, we can expect the number of souls in Hell to increase exponentially. Let's see how varied the volume of Hell, according to Boyle's Law, for the temperature and pressure of Hell to remain stable, the volume must expand proportionately as souls input. There are two possibilities: 1. If Hell is expanding at a slower speed than the input of souls, the temperature and pressure in Hell will increase until it disintegrates. 2. If Hell is expanding at a faster rate that the entry of souls, the temperature and pressure will drop until Hell freezes over.
What is the real possibility? If we accept what Ana told me in my freshman year (it will be cold day in Hell before I sleep with you '"), and considering that I slept with her last night, then number 2 must be true and We will therefore be true that Hell is exothermic and has already frozen. The corollary of this theory is that since Hell is frozen and no longer accepting any more souls and is therefore extinct, leaving only Heaven proof of the existence of a divine being which explains why, last night, Ana kept shouting "Oh, my God." was the only one who got outstanding. A smart-ass questions, intelligent answers. What sounded? Insoluble Corcobado
~ Lyrics (Warner, 2007) Listen to this album

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Is It Ok To Eat Ramen After Vomiting

Journal. Fiction. Epitaph. Deep. Emotional. Funny.
Fun Home is not a comic book: it is a great book. The death of the father of a conventional Southern family is the alpha and omega of this lovely autobiographical arc joining the abandonment of childhood innocence with adolescence and its various awakenings. Opening the doors of the funeral in which reside Bechdel (FUNERAL HOME is the pun) to access the controlled world of this abuguesado clan whose parents, intellectuals with great concerns, abandon their dreams when they take over the family business. Under a generous layer of respectability, art deco, hieratic and Bricomanía lies a tension, advances the clock in a secret bomb that unstructured family environment, oppressive emotional gulag built on a conditional relationship. And as Alison grows, will Briend eyes to a less idyllic reality, and something pathetic in which tragedy and comedy walk hand in hand.
The sincerity and humanity of this story provoke laughter, embarrassment, perplexity, always sincere emotion. This comprehensive internal monologue that contains deep and not always nice reflections on identity, repressed desires, sexuality, taboos and "family constellations." What we are and what we learn. Approached from a serenity that invokes waves of love and sadness, also fun. And even when literature becomes cumbersome for the protagonist in the axis on which explore their lives (and his father), expresses a direct and sincere feelings that we are so ashamed, those feelings that we strive to suppress by not going against the standard. Whatever the knot, do not try to undo it with silence and restraint. Make the implicit explicit. Live better.
Fun Home has been published in Spain by Mondadori Reservoir

What sounded? Lhasa de Sela ~ Lhasa (Les Disques Audiogramme, 2009)
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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Free Clipart Head Lice

After immersing
Let's Get Lost
is easy to understand why Bruce Weber and the rest of the team concluded this production totally devastated. crepuscular Portrait of an artist who shook Sinatra's reign, the bird of paradise known as Chet Baker, this is a story in which the artist tries to take stock of their lives while , narcoleptic, dissolved in a sea of \u200b\u200bmethadone. By fragmented memories, left the cold embrace of drugs, paints a picture faltering voice vague, hazy, completing unambiguously family and friends. Only by naming former colleagues seem to regain a pulse, and even in these moments his mechanics lucidity is more disturbing that her silences. Only pain and opioids actually accompanied her later years, despite the love he gave his followers and the Italian jazz scene. Baker received a warmth that sadly, as if it were a nostalgic memory of something far away. He did not know or could not, take flight again. His broken wings tremble along this journey that the only station in the making is the end of the journey. Devastating. Let's Get Lost
What sounded? Viper ~ Wayne Hancock
Of Melody (Bloodshot, 2009) Listen to this album

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Teeth Slightly See Thru At Bottom

I often wonder why rural people may be more healthy? Is it because almost anything you eat comes in blister. At times, my mother has, flax seeds were used to feed livestock, but the kids in the area loved to go to the hera when collecting and eating raw seeds to the horror of their parents. A natural. And I can say from personal experience: not the best recipe in the world rival the taste of freshly picked fruit. Flax, like everything natural, sounds like a panacea: will cargadito of lignans, natural anticancer excellent, and essential Omega 3 with the cardiovascular system to get a bomb-proof. Ground is a powerful cholesterol reducer, and as a seed contains a large amount of fiber that regulates traffic to your excellent digestive you. Those who suffer from arthritis and osteoarthritis will also benefit O3 trace elements, but watch out! They are fairly caloric, so its use in weight loss diets should be limited, not exceeding the recommended daily dose. I'm going to take a few hemp seeds.

What sounded? Hannum
~ We are here to take their holders (Hang The DJ!, 2009)
Listen to this album SPOTIFY

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Whate Means Full Board/

I tried to avoid it, but no way: Art Spiegelman talk about his work without mentioning Pulitzer-winning Maus is like referring to Tolkien's Lord of obviating the Rings. Impossible. For defined his career, but also because it remains the only job site of the author. Or it was until Mondadori has decided to recover

Breakdowns: Portrait of the Artist As a Young %@&*! , a collection originally published in 1978 which brings together much of his early works, published in various underground magazines during the seventies. Cutting all very experimental, which is evident Speigelman commitment to the advancement of comics, overlays, assembly of vignettes, nonlinear narrative, loops, audiovisual language resources, stories in which the reader chooses the evolution of plot ... their research sprayed barriers format, design, narrative. Making Crumb comic psychoanalytic approach, using his own life story as a raw material from which to draw inspiration on which to perform exorcisms. And there are small personal demons: the death of his mother, whose theme reaches climax in Metro Hell

the Nazi Holocaust
Breakdowns may not wake
interest in the casual fan, but for those interested in discovering one of the great innovators of the language of comics is a fundamental piece of the puzzle.

is Spain has been edited by Reservoir Books

What sounded? ~ Basictonalvocabulary
Surgeon (Tresor, 2010)
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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Dance Costumes Catalogs For Parents To Buy From

Controversial as few scientific discoveries of the late twentieth century, the secret of Plastination developed by Gunther Von Hagens is kept under lock and key by its creator. Also in science there are superstars, and Dr. Death will not release lien on this technique has allowed to get plastin from squid elephant ... winning a good paste in the process. There is nothing wrong, unless your policy blocks the enormous possibilities that the invention provides for research and teaching. But there's always a hole for stitching. In the context of the recent shows Empirika 2010 held in Salamanca, we have discovered that the Science City of Granada and a group of researchers is experimenting with its own version of the process, achieving excellent results. By reducing the scheme is to replace body water with polymers, so that from a dead tissue or get a plastic version of the plastinated of great durability. After immersing the body or agency in formalin to prevent putrefaction, is passed to a bath of solvent such as acetone. It penetrates into tissue, replacing water and fat. In the second main phase, the part is passed to a bath of polymeric substance such as silicone, and is introduced into a vacuum chamber. The vacuum to extract the solvent, the polymer which will take place. And you have a fascinating object plastinated with which you can get cuts and sections simply spectacular natural films with which it is possible to study real bodies from the inside. A material of great potential, a technique in which kidnapped and try to be pioneers.
What sounded? Hugo Race ~
Fatalists (Interbang / Gusstaff, 2010) Listen to this album SPOTIFY

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Neon Homecoming Dress

The boundary between comic and philosophy is blurred when Pablo Zerda Jansain and travel in tandem. The first provides a thorough account of an almost Taoist simplicity and beauty, the second with his drawings created a surreal world in which preconceptions are blurred. Their union creates the emerging
Shared Powers, a funny book, contemplative, thoughtful, surprising, full of thoughts on which to meditate, deep thoughts formulated by a girl who discovers being a princess, a bee is actually a woman (or an elephant?) by a teacher with monkey face coat, a head of the guard in love. Trying to find new paradigms for an old kingdom, immerse themselves in a travel initiative, dangerous and surprising, which will gain a deeper understanding of reality, its mechanisms and its deceptions. The texts of the sandwiches are inked in a black IT infrastructures with the light of his words, the drawings convey a contemplative quiet, a sharp reflection. On the speed of the world, the critical issue of what surrounds us, the extreme emptiness of what we create and the eminently social nature of our species. At a time when man is an island, and a comic with you may smile, laugh and reflect and realize the enormous work that lies ahead. Junt @ s, much easier.
Shared Powers has been edited by Saure
as part of his collection
"Somehow, Compadre
What sounded?
Za! ~ Macumba or Death (Acuarela, 2009)
Listen to this album SPOTIFY