Yesterday I remembered a couple of Russian jokes, or rather, the Soviets, they were jokes that circulated in the Steel Curtain time (as a curiosity, I will say that the phrase "Iron Curtain" was coined Churchill, but actually that was an iron curtain, "The Iron Curtain"). The jokes came in a book that had my brother, I bought it in 1980 when there was still the Soviet regime in Eastern Europe, and left to someone and as usual, not seen again. Thinking about this, I came to mind other jokes, other jokes that flourished in places as unexpected as the Nazi death camps or the air-raid shelters near defeat Nazi Germany. Yes, the humor is not incidental, but necessary. Humor is a weapon used to kill amenguar or distress, and is also a feature of intelligence. I am suspicious of people who lack a sense of humor ... although, interestingly, many people believe that I lack it, particularly where I work.
jokes were so concerned.
In a radio address, Stalin said: "I will not be happy until all Soviet citizens have their own car." The next day, an undercover cop is on the street and asks a man: "Hey, buddy, do you have a car?". Comrade says no, and immediately gets a slap by the police: "Moron! You doing unhappy the daddy Stalin! "
Nikita Khrushchev (or Khrushchev, or write the hell now) tries to seduce the most beautiful dancer of the Bolshoi, but she rejects his attempts. But the leader insists, and insists make love, or rather his body, and such is their insistence that the dancer says, "Okay, let me seduce, but on one condition." leader asks what that condition. The dancer responds: " bring down the Berlin Wall and let the Soviet citizens to travel to the West without hindrance. "Khrushchev smiles, charmed:" Ah, pillin: you what you want is for us to be alone ... "
The dark part of the first joke is this: surely if you caught someone telling it, that person will expect at least a long vacation in the gun area of \u200b\u200bwork of the Arctic Circle.
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