Thursday, April 14, 2011

Strealming English Subtiles Series$

vacuum Rain Paradise The Long Night of Chet Baker

gathered, should be a fun place! But death is a drag. Sometimes it comes without warning and takes people too soon, as the grandfather. And you can never see them again, or talk to them. But sometimes, you can listen to when you look at the clouds ...

Death as seen by a child. This is the game that we proposed Gibert, one in which child's vivid imagination viewed under the prism one of the important events of life: awakening to impermanence. The memory, longing, gray days are the balm on the concept of Paradise

, the promise of infinite joy that so many unearthly revenues has given organized religion. Absolutely transcendent, his terse text and imaginative use of signage created a spacious, resonant, in which the child's emotions are expressed in close proximity, they are so vivid and near and bind us to those who looked after us and taught to live, those who have already left this plane.


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