One day the son of Ramses II, Ramsesciño, left blind in one eye with a slingshot to Moses Dayan, a Jew with some influence in the court of Pharaoh, and an expert on grammar. Was the straw that broke the camel, and Moses decided to take his people, long enslaved, of those lands. They left at night, and crossed the Nile without problems, as Iberdrola had emptied the channel or a p
The Jewish people was free at last without food and in a desert. Go planazo, Moses is said Dayan, who went up the mountain to talk to God. This said, "Take these tables, which are my commandments, and that you are not forget anything." Moses, fearing God, did not dare to correct your grammar, and not to ask what the hell would eat during the 40 years that would last the journey.
next day, walking through the desert, sweaty and tired, when the miracle happened: the sky fell on CDs thousands of Mana. Moses thought quickly: "Quick, place it over some blankets and sell them to the nomads who pass through here. "Thus was created the top-blanket, and God saw that it was good. but did not stop to Manna for 40 years, especially the song Scratching the sun , appropriate to the landscape.
Maná With revenues were holding the stretch, but the music was clouding the senses of the Jews, and this led to worship idols, calves, Baal and other lesser gods such as Justin Bieber . God called Moses to chapter: "Macho, contenme your people, who are heretics. not be out of hand or you'll pay for you with the other eye. "Dayan Moses nodded nor had the courage to correct the grammar of their God. Dayan
Moses punished the heretics, especially Justin Bieber's worshipers, a new Mesopotamian deity. And they went their way until, finally, one day, came to the border of the Promised Land, Canaan. Not knowing what to do, Dayan Moses climbed a mountain, knowing the fondness he had God to the mountains and pinnacles, and met with him.
"Moses will have to enter the Promised Land, but you are very populated, so you'll have to exterminate the Sadducees, Urrea, Gebe and even seborrhea, which suffer from excess body fat. not forget you are : Your achievements will be in God's name and not yours, peazo of one-eyed. "Moses looked a fiery geranium was the avatar of God, and finally exploded." Joppa, God : no one says "I will" or "you are." Go slang for an omnipotent god!. "God was silent, but finally spoke." Now I j. .. like Herod, who did not enter the Promised Land. Enter your brother Aaron, tear down the walls of Jericho with the music of Mana and you stay here alone. And lucky you that I leave the other eye "" But what will become of me? "" Well founded the Mossad, go to War Six Days, I do not know. Hala, hala, door. "There was a last attempt to Moses Dayan to soften the heart of his god. Scratching the sun sang :
Scratching the sun, desesperasión,
Fasil is to reach the sun Your CORASON ...
God does not listen. A secret put to Justin Bieber.
And this was the reason that Moses Dayan did not enter the Promised Land. But he won the Six Day War, not are you sure .
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