In the sixties in the Anglo-Saxon culture "mojo" was something as the gift to be special, something intangible that distinguished some touched by the finger ... the "mojo." In one of the Austin Powers films, for example, the "bad guys steal the" mojo "to Austin. And there is a song by The Doors (what a great group and I saw what an excellent documentary on them last week, When you're strange of Tom Dicillo and narration by Johnny Depp) entitled LA Woman Jim Morrison in which repeated a phrase several times: "Mr. Mojo risin '." I, who at 17 poets reading biographies of rock, like Jim, I remember reading that it was a sexual reference. I do not seem very logical, but anyone looking for logic in the brutal chaos of those years, and head of Morrison drunk? I accepted as correct, and even The Lorcha use that name as the title of our second and famous LP with cover censored ... until I saw the documentary a few days ago and at one point I actually saw what "Mr Mojo risin '": if you shuffle the letters of the name "Jim Morrison" we can create that strange phrase, as in this entry in which I spoke of the famous logo "Salvador Dali"> "Avida Dollars." Well, mystery solved. And who wants to know more about the legendary California band, you know what to do. This was the announcement on TV about the documentary.
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